Saturday, November 03, 2007

Daedalus R13 Soon

I've just about finished implementing the last couple of savestate features I talked about last week.

I've got a bit of polishing to do and a little bit more testing, but I'm hoping I should be able to release R13 sometime tomorrow (Sunday).

I'll post again then with a complete list of changes and links to the latest builds for you to download. See you then!



Jody said...

Me and my fiance's anniversary is Sunday (tomorrow). ^^

I checked your blog an hour ago and wasn't anything new up, so I came back to check again for some random reason (to see if any new updates) and so I saw "Daedalus R13 Soon" And I was like WHOOOO must read blog.

mbeck said...

thanks for the update! i can hardly wait for the release. keep up the good work :)

StrmnNrmn said...

Congrats for tomorrow Jody. Don't get in trouble by sitting refreshing this blog all day!

Morgan said...

Glad to see R13 will be released tomorrow, can't wait to test it out. Question though, when do you think compatability will be worked on? I figured since speed has been your working area lately that maybe you'd like to change it up a bit, plus I would love to see Diddy Kong Racing working.

Unknown said...

Oh man, great to hear! I've been checking almost every day since r12!

buu said...

Man i've been checking this blog like 10 times a day i'm really exited and you really did expire me to start learning on how to be making emulators.

Unknown said...


Thank you man. Can't wait till it gets released however long it takes you to polish it up to perfection is fine with me. Just knowing that you're still hard at work on it is enough.

And like jody, please don't spend too much time refreshing this blog or writing up a full list of updates rather than polishing up the code.

Jody said...

hahaha LOL ^^
I check in usually twice a day.
thanks for congrats-ing me. It's going to be my 4th year with my girl.
congrats with this project. good stuff

Unknown said...

I wish that Music PRX was fast like the N64 development! Nice job though.

I haven't tried any of the other Rxx emulators, but I have heard the fps was a little low. I hope this version at least has 40 fps :)

שמואל said...

Congratulations, your work is wonderful ! Will Zelda : OoT and Majora's Mask work ? If so, it'sure Daedalus will be even much more successfull ! Keep up the good work !

Yoshi Party said...


Don't forget to support the extendd Super Mario 64 ROM -pls-

I'm still working on a special ROM for the PSP...

Here some videos:

Most of the hacked ROMs only run on the computer, cuz, there are only new textures in the emulator.
But I use Toad's Tool5.9b
So all my changes will be implemented in the ROM!

PLS don't ignore my post again

Ubiquitous said...

Thank you so much for all the hard work! We love Daedalus and appreciate you efforts and contributions to the PSP homebrew scene.

Jess said...

I'm so excited for this release. You're awesome!

Rodrigo Cardoso said...


U can just sign up this blogs´s RSS Feed, its much easier than check the site nine times a day... ^_^

pimppimp said...

I love you strmnnrmn.I hope it's done by tommorow because I've got school monday.

Unknown said...

Can't wait! :D Great job, StrmnNrmn! By the way, will there be better compatibility? I'll be waiting and refreshing this blog alot! ;)

Unknown said...

Is Super Smash Bros. goin to be better?

Grantlionheart said...

Well im happy to hear that another great version of your fantastic emulator is almost done.
Cant wait to test it and good luck with future releases *If you keep making them :P* If not just good luck with life.

RhinoGearz said...

Awesome it took a long time, but with savestate Daedalus is going to be way better.

Unknown said...

my reload button is getting a beating :p Great work!

ShadowSeeker said...

allright i've been waiting a real long time for this and now it will be released tommorow on my 17th birthday =] all yeahh!!

xav35 said...

Hi StrmnNrmn!!
When Daedalus R13 will be released?
Thanks a lot ;)
ps: I'm french

jwmoney said...

I'll be watching your blog allday today! members are foaming at the mouth to get Daedalus 13! Go StrmnNrmn!

Unknown said...

Is Super Smash Bros. goin to be better than in R12?

Anonymous said...

Hope that you post daedalus R13 soon now, I've been sitting all day refreshing your page ^^

Weeman said...

Can hardly wait until it is out

Unknown said...

Yes his focus has been on speed but you have to realize that some of the issues that fix speed may also improve computability.

Congrats StrmnNrmn, and thank you for the time you put in for all the rest of us

Revolution said...

I just tried the new Daedalus R13, great work! The improvements were really noticiable. Especially the speed increase in SSB.

StrmnNrmn keep up up the great work. And don't stop just because a few people are unappreciable about your work. Your contributing something that is amazing to this world. You have many fans out there, me being one of em. Keep up the awesome work.

Revolution said...

I just tried the new Daedalus R13, great work! The improvements were really noticiable. Especially the speed increase in SSB.

StrmnNrmn keep up up the great work. And don't stop just because a few people are unappreciable about your work. Your contributing something that is amazing to this world. You have many fans out there, me being one of em. Keep up the awesome work.