Thursday, March 29, 2007

R10 Countdown

I'm in the process of tidying up my current build so that I can release R10 over the next few days.

There are a number of features/optimisations still on my TODO list, but as I promised last month, I'd like to release R10 by the end of March. I think frequent, small updates are better than keeping everyone waiting months between releases.

Although R10 will be a smaller update than R9, there are some great improvements (most of which I've already talked about):

  • An approximate 10-15% speedup
  • Frameskip, framerate limiting and stick deadzone tuning
  • Various small bugfixes

I'm hoping to have everything ready by Sunday afternoon at the latest.

One feature which might not make it is the Expansion Pak support. I mentioned that I'd finally fixed the bug that was preventing this from working, but I've been having difficulty resolving the various memory issues that it causes when enabled. Rather than delay R10, I'd prefer to disable the Expansion Pak support for now and release R11 early - as soon as I've fixed the underlying problem. I'll keep you posted.



  1. I can't wait for you to release this! Good job btw

  2. yes!

    i've been checking this page for the last few days about 5 times a day!

    I'm glad to hear the news and look forward to it a whole lot.

    Can i ask one more thing?
    Saving in LoZ:OOT would make most of us extremely happy! That is one flaw that i don't play it on the psp - the speed is very playable on r9 with 2 frameskip.

    So please add that to r10; either that or save states.

    Hope you consider it!
    Thanks StrmnNrmn!

  3. Hopefully you fixed the bug that kept making my psp freeze right after the title screen. Anyways, great work!

  4. Aight, next release should work on compatibility. We need at least one for compatibility because speed seems to be tacking on.
    Also, an idea, probably not going to happen, but maybe get Dark_Alex to help just a bit for this one. Try to implement plugins. Maybe, find a way, sort of like seplugins, where you just have to redirect it. That way, we can supply our own plugins (or yours) to help out the job a little bit.

  5. good job!!!!! keep up the good work! We all appreciate your hard work!

  6. Will R10 contain any of the me optimisations you talked about previously?

    either way , great job looking forward to it :)

  7. any chance of an rss feed, I enjoy reading your blog, but forget to check if you have new post.

  8. From 10 to 10% soon we´ll get full speed! Nice job man!

  9. you aare the best¡¡¡¡

    the first coment


    tu eres el mejorrr sigue asi amigo ya que no se mucho ingles jeje esres el ejor ya quiero daedalus r10 el mejorr thee besttt¡¡¡¡¡ comenten gringos

    de corazon silent_2121

    suertee amigo..

  10. Sounds great, I'll be watching the Martinsville race on Sunday so on or by then I'll be playing R10. Great stuff StrmnNrmn it took you a week to update but it was worth it, especailly knowing R11 will then be soon after with expansion support. Please StrmnNrmn could you discuss the reasons or find out the reasons Diddy Kong Racing isn't working correctly. The game is emulating and seems from the sound to have decent speed, and sound disabled is very fast after looking at the FPS displayer. The problem is just the screen is one solid color (various colors), I know you most likely already know about this. Could you possibly try to fix the problem because I think if you could find this small bug and fix it we could have another great game for Daedalus PSP. None the less your doing amazing and your my favorite coder.

  11. Please we need a save state. There is no reason to play Mario with a save feature!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Awsome! still very thankful that you are motivated to do this. will look forward to getting this as soon as realease!

  13. Wonderful news, pal!
    Can't just wait for it to see the light....I do really appreciate what you're doing for us PSPers!
    Keep up the good work!

  14. WOOHOO!! can't wait. Thanks for the update.

    One thing. Does Strmnnrmn mean Stormin Norman? :)

  15. Really good job. I'm looking forward for R10. keep on rockin', man!

    BTW, will this release have savegames? It would be nice.


  16. I think i will wait for R11 if this isn't such a big update. You can realese them quickly but don't rush.

  17. Awesome, this sounds like Super Mario 64 will run full speed then. That running full speed is what I would want most, then better sound like more clear, and then compatability with more roms. And various speed-ups.

  18. Good job StrmnNrmn, on your improvement on this emulator. I love N64 and this will be a great addition to the all the other homebrew on my PSP.

  19. I'm glad you're keeping your promise on releasing this soon. I can't wait to try out it out and see what all you've fixed. Must be workin' hard, huh? kool.

  20. this seems to be greatly improved since I last checked up on it (r6) yeah yeah... I don't go online much

    funny I got a 1st post.. somthing was telling me to check on this

  21. WOOO! First comment! ne way, GREAT JOB (i like majoras mask)

  22. I love the way you answer everybody's general requests by including the features we ask for. This is the best PSP emulator ever! Don't ever give up on us! :D

  23. Will you continue to focus on speed for R11 or change to compatibility? Personally I would rather see a continuation of speed as the day that Mario 64 runs Full Speed, perfect sound without frameskip is the day Daedalus becomes the best emulator for me.

  24. People please read old posts by StrmnNrmn or download R9 and use it because alot fo your requests have been answered. Save has already been implemented, no savestate but the save feature is still there. Personally I like savestate but not for the N64, for some reason I just like saving in the regular way. Savestate is kind of cheap and cheating in a way, anyway guys like I said some of your questions have been answered. For example you can save in Zelda OOT and Mario is very playable and has the save feature working too. Please guys look at old posts and know what your asking before you ask it because it only slows StrmnNrmn down from working on Daedalus, answering questions that have already been answered.

  25. Your work is indeed one of the greatest achievements to the homebrew scene. I look forward to everyone of your well placed updates. Coding is poetry.

    - Mr. Heroux

  26. As always, great cracking the code StrmnNrmn.

    Once you get to a point where you needn't crack about cracking the infamous MAME emulator for the PSP???

    Arcade gaming goodness on my PSP...truly then is it a portable gaming player!

  27. As always, great cracking the N64 code and making it available to us PSP gamers.

    When you get to a point where you have finished your about cracking the code on the infamous MAME emulator?

    Then we can all say that the PSP is a truly portable gaming player!

  28. I'd really appriciate it if you would leave the option to activate the expansion pack in this release. Being able to play LoZ:MM would be great. :)

  29. Sunday 19:31

    Pleas Reales it fast

  30. I guess you didn't fufill your promise...

  31. How much longer?
    It isn't March anymore.
    It has been Sunday afternoon for hours....

  32. I look forward to the release today!
