Monday, April 02, 2007

Daedalus R10

This is a few hours later than I'd hoped, but here's R10:

Daedalus PSP R10 for v1.00 Firmware
Daedalus PSP R10 for v1.50+ Firmware
Daedalus PSP R10 Source

This is the changelist:

[+] Added frameskip option.
[+] Added framerate limiting option.
[+] Added adjustable stick deadzone.
[+] Allow pause menu to be activated even when rom emulation has hung.
[!] Fix crash when no roms found, added explanatory message.
[!] Fix flickering when small number of roms found.
[^] Fix texture hash frequency check.
[^] Finally got code compiling with -O3 optimisation flag in GCC.
[^] Use VFPU for InvSqrt (thanks hlide!)
[^] Improved VFPU code for clipping and tnl (thanks Raphael!)
[^] Improved inlining of AddTri.
[^] Reduced time spent searching for overridden blend modes.
[~] Remove debug console in public release builds (smaller footprint and slight speedup.)

I'll post tomorrow with details on what I want to work on for R11. In the meantime, enjoy!



  1. Huzzah! great to see you've released it!

    I'll inform you (and, i hope, the rest of the community will do too) if anything goes wrong :P

  2. it was worth staying up late!
    Thanks for all your work, been looking forward to this :)

  3. omg you are the most amazing coder I have ever known Please Please utilize the me next release that would be astonishing

  4. thanks so much man :) awesome work :D

  5. Great going to go download now!

  6. It works wayyy better with the SOund Off ^_^.. sadly it's slow when it's on, but great JOB on this improvement..

  7. I mean no disrespect here...but I can't find the frameskip option anywhere...please don't tell me this is some sort of April Fools prank >.<.

  8. Nevermind, found it, haha. Sorry, hard to trust anyone today.

  9. does zelda and 007 finally work properly

  10. Thanks thanks!!!
    My problem with the joystick has finished!!! :D

    Now it's perfect.

    Thanks a lot.

  11. awesome!
    Thank you!

    Can i ask one thing of you for R11? Saving (or save states) for LOZ:OOT

    Other than that, good job!
    I've been checking very frequently today for this moment! :)

    Also: one bug i noticed in this and r9. When ingame, if you change the option of sound enable/disable, theres a chance of freezing upon re-emulation.

    I'll check for more emulation bugs as i play some more mario ;)

  12. Wow this is realy great. I can play Mario 64 at full speed with audio(at some points I have to turn audio off). Everyone said it couldnt be done, but look at you.

    I think that compatibility should be worked on next.
    (Just my opnion)

  13. Dude ur a beast, if i was gay id give u a big kiss lol, but good job everythings running faster! cant wait till R11


  15. downloading now ^^

    and dont worry about the extra time you spend this afternoon... "your time is yours".


  16. Thanks for yet another great release.

    Im guessing compatibility is next on your list?

  17. OMG, the deadzone limit setting for the analog stick is probably the coolest thing on any emulator! Good job!

  18. LOVE YOU DUDE!!!!

  19. Props.

    Nice to see steady improvements on this, great job!

  20. Simply, simply amazing.
    The speed improvements are great, and another step toward achieving full-speed n64 emulation.

    A couple of games still don't work, but I'm sure that will be addressed in time. The frameskip option is great, and really does make a huge difference.

    This emulator has really come a long way, and just keeps getting better. Thanks StrmnNrmn for developing one of the greatest homebrew applications for the PSP console! You truly are an asset to the homebrew community!

  21. R11 needs more compatibility. The more popular games such as goldeneye should be worked on first. I think speed should rest for a while because when you do get all the games that are currently working full speed and you do get other games to work the new features included for them will be slow. Once most games are working you can then help speed issues with them games also.

  22. Thanks!

    I hope Save States gets worked on next :)

  23. Great job. I would like to see more compatibility in R11. Goldeneye, Super Smash Bros, and Perfect Dark don't work in R10.
    I think you should wait until R12 to add better sound .

  24. Does Super Mario 64 run at full speed? Because in R9, When inside a painting there was horrible lag. I hope this is solved?

  25. Hey great job on R10. As for R11 I would really like to see the turning glitches fixed on Mario Kart. If this is fixed that game will be almost as playable as Mario 64. It already runs at a decent speed. Also compatibility with Super Smash Bros and Goldeneye would be nice but speeding up the other games like Starfox and Zelda OOT would also be cool. I don't think sound is that much of a priority. After most of the main games run good speed maybe then you could do the sound.


  26. hay man love your emulator but for some reasen every rom i put in it it says con not find rom info and says 0MB they all worked in your last bild super mario and star fox still work though

  27. One word...F***ing GREAT !!! (Well, maybe those are 2 words ;-D). Thank you very much!!! u make us all really happy.

    If any suggestions will be heard, these are mines:
    1.-Save states: Playing long games don't really make sense without save states :-S I really look forward to this. I can't count how many times I have played the first levels of Mario !!! hahahhahha

    2.- Speed...Of course!!!


  28. The following games I think we all would like to see running for R11 (assuming you choose compatability):

    Diddy Kong Racing
    Goldeneye 007
    Super Smash Brothers
    Perfect Dark

    I think if you could get those following games working and then work on speed/sound for the next releases then Daedalus would be in it's best direction yet. Speed is really starting to pickup but I alot like others here are getting tired of the 3 or 4 select games, seeing great games as DKR and Goldeneye would just make this emulator that much better. Please considered getting those games working StrmnNrmn because games like DKR and SSB only need minor fixes to correct them.

  29. Just posting to say how i appreciate your working..
    Many thanks for working on this emulator,keep up!
    Surely one of the top coders on the psp scene!

  30. I have to say...this is a really amazing homebrew. I mean when I think of Super Mario 64 running full speed and other programmers not even capable of running a SNES full speed...I get giggly. I look forward to the next release!

    Oh...BTW, I say you add some graphics engines to your emulator next...even though I know it would cause slowdown, its always nice to see better picture. Like atleast a SupersaiX2 as that one uses the least processing power, or atleast it uses the least amount on my compy.

  31. awesome! i love it. runs mario excellent. btw, what font do u use for the "daedalus psp" logo when u start up? thanks for all your work, keep it up!

  32. add more gamesave support and add kernel mode for in the game grafx & speed ups.

  33. Maybe I'm not doing something right, but every time I change an option on the in game menu, when I resume emulation and pause it again, the options are back to their defaults. It only does this with some options, eg. Controller/Frameskip, but not Audio/Show Framerate. Is it just me?

  34. Great work StrmnNrmn@! Mario 64 runs PERFECTLY with the sound disabled and the frame skip at 2! I have been playing it for about 6 hours and i have 28 Stars!

    My vote for R11 would be for popular game compatability.

    With the addition of frame skip, most any game will have a playable speed (without sound). So the speed issue has temporarily been resolved. I feel that more variety of playable games should be the next issue.

    Thanks again for all of your hard work, it is greatly appreciated by the entire homebrew community.

  35. thank you soo much will be trying it now :D

  36. This is a great update. Mario 64 and Mario Kart are running great. However, I feel that speed should still be worked on and the ME engine should be utilized for release 11... as this would hopefully give us the same speed that we have without sound now, but allowing sound to run at the same time. I feel that it is better to get a couple of games running at near/full speed first, and then move on to enhancing compatibility. It isn't going to matter much if we can play every n64 game, but only at 2-5fps. ;)

  37. I'm sorta confused about the Framerate Limiter. Someone please explain it to me. This emulator is really good, It's about the same speed as if it were on frameskip:2 from R9. 10-15% faster, I can notice the difference a bit. well, keep working on it. I'd love to see some of the other popular games run than just mario, like Goldeneye and Rush2049. I wonder how you knew how to make this......did you work for Nintendo?

  38. Man some sweet stuff...People are saying full speed with sound though...How?..R11 optimizations can't wait to see them I vote speed all the way...YOUR A GOD are you related to Dark Alex...if not you should be...go get adopted your awesome enough to be

  39. Awesome release Stormin'. And on April fools day too, you mighta had a few people goin there :)

    For R11 I'd say either compatibility, Speed, or graphical fixes, whichever ones easier to do.

  40. Excellent, Framerates are noticeibly higher.

    When playing Hydro Thunder on R9(NoSound): average FM = 7.09fps.
    When playing on R10(NoSound): Average FM = 8.125fps!!!

    The game is weighed down by complex graphics and extremely detailed environments, making it MY favorite ROM to use to test the Speed Optimization Variances between Each Daedalus Release.

    R10 is one of StrmnNrmn's best updates, and I Thank You for your hard work and dedication to the PSP Homebrew Communitity!


    Also, it's in my hope's that R11 will include more compatibility among selected ROMs, resolving issues among games such as Golden Eye 007, Super Smash Bros and F-ZERO. :)

  41. This is a great step up from previous versions but when I try to change the audio from on to off in game it crashes the whole homebrew =/

    ^_^ looking forward to the next update.

  42. Things TO Work On For R11 +

    1 Speed Up
    2 Move sound to Media Engine
    3 Compatibility
    4 Save States
    5 Gameshark Codes

    Great Job So far

  43. Just keep improving on speed. Also please improve on compatibility for the Mario partys.

  44. First of all thank you for your constant work on this, it's really improving a lot and i'm very impressed.

    That said i have to say that speed is imo still the most important thing. While i have no doubt that people want to see certain games work properly, the fact is that no game really works so well that you really gonna play it for hours. I played some Mario 64 yesterday, and while it's definetly playable, i simply can't be bothered to really play it, there are other games i rather play on the PSP then, and just play Mario 64 on the N64 or PC.

    Untill a game can be played with a proper frame rate with sound enabled, then i don't think to many people are interested in Daedalus right now, atleast not to really play a game.

    So i'd say that once you got the frame rate and sound working at a proper speed, that it's then time to work on compatibility, but until then i just think it wouldn't really help people, because either way we need to wait for games to run properly, so might aswell make the current ones run properly.

    Again thanks, and keep up the great work.

  45. i had a frameskip option in r9.. but r10 runs faster anyways. thx alot!!

  46. you said that you would give us info about the next release tomorrow, that was 3 days ago, has something come up? i'm not being impatient, just curious ...
    btw.: great job !!

  47. Fantastic work Strmn!!! :)

    For the upcoming releases i think you should have in mind:

    1. Add ME (Media Engine, to have great sound that wont slow the emulator). To play Super Mario 64, Starfox 64, Mario Kart 64, Paper Mario 64 and some other roms at almost full speed (or full speed) with sound

    2. Faster, at least 25%+ faster than daedalus r10 (to play zelda ocarina of time at 15-20 fps, very playable) and some other games finally run at full speed...

    3. Savetate (for now), so you wont spend too much time fixing some bugs about saves (like ocarina of time)... and have more time improving the speed or ME.

    4. Add the Expation pack support (to run Zelda majora mask, goldeneye 007, and some other games that used Expation Pack)... and I think its going to have a small speed-up

    5. Add a save for the GUI, to save like (framskip, stick deadzone, settings, show fps and other things) so when we start the emulator, it automatic load the save setting and we dont have to spend time with some settings, so we would start the emulator and be ready to play!

    Many thanx so far =)

  48. Where's the list of stuff that will be in R11? You said you would on April 2.

  49. Any word on when Goldeneye will be working? I've seen screenshots of it on your sourceforge, but can't seem to get it working myself. Anyone had any luck?

  50. Great update. Though I would really like to see Super Smash Bros working. Maybe in next update?

  51. Very nice work. Downloaded the source and was wondering if/when you were releasing the memory allocation stuff (though admittedly I only once overed the zip file so it may already be there).

    Reading the memory allocation stuff is pretty cool and the graphical recreation is just awesome.

  52. I made a guide for Zelda OOT. enjoy :) It is how to get to hyrule[GuidetogotoHyruleOnPSPonZedaOOT].txt

  53. Hey StrmnNrmn great work on the emulator. Just wanted to say that under R10 the Bust-a-Move games are running at full speed without sound. The only problem is the cannon isn't showing up. Probably just a tiny little coding thing but if you could fix that then those games would be all set.


  54. WOw, is all I can say. You've come a long way from your first release. That you you do this in your own time is amazing. I would ask how you became so good, but I'm sure some researching will answer that for me. Just excellent job.
