Thursday, August 10, 2006

R7 close

I'm getting close to finishing everything I want to get into R7. I've just spent a little time tidying up a few loose ends (little things like the way screenshots are handled). The one last substantial bit of work I want to get done is support for custom controller configs. I think this should be a few hours work, so I expect I'll finish this sometime on Saturday or Sunday, with a release following shortly afterwards.

I got a new PC on Tuesday and this has slowed things down a little bit as I've spent a couple of evenings this week seeing just how stupidly fast it is. This is what I went for in the end:

I've got it all hooked up to my Dell 2405fpw and it's awesome. It's nice to finally be able to play games at the 2405's native 1920x1200 resolution without it chugging along :D



  1. please thedman dont start that on strmnnrmns site even if you kidding please and also you rule strmn you really are a great coder and where did you get the money for that pc mine only has 512 mb of ram and 150 gb hd.I cant wait for r7.any idea what youll work on for r8.

  2. Cool, I got a new computer this week too!

  3. Yes please try very hard to finish this on Saturday please. I have high School starting back up and would like to have tons of time to play it!

  4. wicked sweet pc! anyways, this is OT but, strmnnrmn, what do u think of PSXP? the psx emu for the psp. it seems like BS to me, but u have more dev knowlegde than me.

  5. That is a pretty decent pc for now adays! I prefer AMD dual core proccessors but yourz is very great! good job Norm!
    One question is there a way to donate to you? just this week i donated to about 3 people and one of them wearnt you because I cannot find your paypal button!
    well i hope you can answer my question !
    you are a hard working guy and cirtanly desourve some donation from people!
    ok piece out( O )( O )

  6. Yeah I agree with wally, I got an intel mac and it is amazing!

  7. HOLY TITS!!!
    this may be the BEST release since R5!!
    Il be awayting Strmnnrmn!!


  9. "so if it is possible try to get tit out today"

    The thought shared by millions of guys I am assured =P

  10. Wow every one always copies me!!
    tits is my word I am thee TITTY MASTER!!
    btw Norm! Im wayting really patiently! waiting patintly to play Zelda!
    oh and would you could you get the expansion pack working so we can play DK64 and Zelda MM?
    Piace( O )( O )

  11. "i think that we better do the cookin by the book,or our cake well end up crazy"

    Thx for the spam...... and dbl post.... and stupidiTITy

  12. So if Strmnnrmn most likely finishes today, does that mean he will release it the day he finishes? I HOPE SO!

  13. Ahhhhhhhh, I know! Sorry, but I just want it so badly!

  14. Titl prolly be out by tomarow night as uasual! At night!
    ( O ) ( o )

  15. skater9269: I haven't decided what I'm going to work on for R8. R7 is faster but I think a lot more work needs doing here.

    xiringu: The Amiga was a fantastic machine. If Daedalus didn't require so much work I'd love to get involved with the psp port of UAE.

    ryanmwolfe: It will take a little bit of time away from Daedalus as I move my development environment over to the new pc. Once it's set up it should be nicer for me to develop with though.

    imtiaz: It's looking like it's going to be Sunday now. The speed is a lot better with R7, but I still have a long way to go. Don't work - there are still lots of things I can improve, it just takes time :)

    disturbd1: I've not heard anything about psxp, but I've not been checking many news sites for the past couple of weeks. Got a link?

  16. Can't wait to play the emu!!!!! If it's possible it would be awesome if it could come out today!

  17. kersplatty: It depends on the rom - I think you'll be pleased, but you'll have to wait to try it out :)

    wally*won_kenobie: I could have done that but I've never really been a Mac kind of guy. I do really like the look of the MacBook Pros though :)

    geekpie: 1.11TB is crazy :) The motherboard has 8 SATA channels and 2 RAID controllers so I was thinking about buying a bunch of 200GB disks and hooking up a nice RAID array. I'm not quite sure what I'd do with all that storage though...

  18. strmn i dont know if you have tried but if you get into super smash brothers vs mode u can get into the level and the camera moves and the start pause camera works but part of the course and your charecter is invisible so do you know what causes this.thanks.

  19. I wish it would get released today!

  20. Why doesnt golden eye work!
    are u having it "locked" untill an outstanding release? 007 Worlds Not Enough works almost perfect with out the Dyna rec enabled!
    It just doesnt even start loading can you eplain why StrmnNrmn?
    ( O ) ( O )

  21. what time is it in the uk it is 7:47 here i hope it is released while im sleepin cause that would be less waiting for

  22. Yup same time where im at bro!
    7:52 now!
    I thought he said he would release it tomarow!( O ) ( O )

    StrmnNrmn do your majic bro!!

    oh and just to remind you about your paypal donation button so I can show you how much I apreceat your work!(O)(O)

  23. sroon i live in south carolina where do you live well i think the uk is like 5 hrs ahead so its like one there and i think i will be sleepin till ten and that means till five for the uk so strmn will maybe release it over night .

  24. pacific bro! its 9:10 now!

  25. Tamorw WILL be one of the greatest dayz of my life!!!!

  26. YAAAHHH!
    btw are you really THEE Mario Kart God?
    lol jk!
    hope my expasion pack question gets answerd!! and the paypal one too!

  27. Yes I truly am the Morio Kart God, jk, but not really! : )

  28. @belmontslayer I live in seneca near clemson so psp meetup is a no but still cool to no ive got another south carolinian lookin at strmnnrmns blog i guess lol

  29. WOW its 10:36am in Ontario Canada for me!!! prolly be out at night!!!

  30. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  31. Well todays the big day!!! Can't wait! My Guess is it will be up in about 5 hours.


    heres the source forge site where StrmnNrm released it first last time!

  33. Ahhhhhhh, i've just been sitting at my computer reloading the page again and again! Please release it soon Strmnrmn!

  34. Actually I think it's gonna be about 50-70% faster.

  35. Well we know it will be definetely over 30% fast because Strmnrmn told ud about 2-3 weeks ago thats how fast he has got it. He also told me that Mario Kart is going 13 fps in 150cc, when it used to only be going 5-7 fps. That's about a 100% speed increase. And Mario Kart in R6 in time mode went about 13-17 (I even got it to go 23.1 fps on time.) So maybe that will also double in fps about 100%.

  36. Nope, well strmnnrmn mostly posts at 3-4 PM on his clock. Right now it is 9:30 AM on his clock.

  37. You know someone with the Halo source code? Might be possible if yes, otherwise seriously doubtfull.

    Also, you guys really need to do something other than sit there refreshing the page, surely you have something more constructive to do? Like learning to program so you can be as famous as StrmnNrmn ;-)

  38. I am very tempted to go with a very similar setup myself.

    The Conroe's overclock very well indeed, and the Gigabyte boards are a great choice for this. I hear people are getting 3GHz+ speeds (by upping the FSB) without a hitch.

    Have you tried this yet? It definitely sounds like you have the ideal setup to give it a whirl!
