Sunday, August 13, 2006

Nearly there

I've just about finished work on the custom controller configuration. Once I've finished testing everything is working as expected I'll begin the process of putting the release together. This can be quite involved as it requires updating all the documentation, packaging all the necessary files and uploading to SourceForge etc. Hopefully it shouldn't take more than a couple of hours. Next post will be with full details of all the changes and the download links etc.



  1. sweet so maybe around 5 here in the states it is 1:10 now either way great sounding release you rule strmn

  2. strmnnrmn, thankyou for your hard work and dedication to getting a comfortable speed emulator of the classic and well knows nintendo 64 consol onto our playstation portable screens, you are a true coder and i would do anything to one day be as good as you, i respect you and hope you achieve everything you are hoping for, behind your work 100%, thankyou

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  4. Sweet, I'll upload a video of Super Mario 64 and probably Zelda to YouTube as fast as I can :p

  5. im all exited now, ive been hoping to get a few more fps on mario,
    the only games now that i am willing to pick up and play through are mario and mario kart, i hope goldeneye is supported soon because i would play through that no matter how slow it was

  6. Screw psp updates bro!!! the only good psp homeber site ouut the is dc emu!
    btw Zelda WILL b thee first game i try!!

  7. PSPU already knows, well atleast I do ;) Although, I myself am going to wait for the release to post about it

  8. alight im sorry forustpsp updates thing i was just excited about this release! so no hard feelings right?!
    and Kersplatty! what are your roms doing on you ipod? extrastorage?

  9. Crap, I have to go to a soccer tournament in a half hour. Hope it gets uploaded before then!

  10. I´ve been waiting all day,
    so are you near release yet?

  11. I gotta to go in a little! PLEASE UPLOAD IT SOON!

  12. LOL nice one Stievemw!!I totally agree!!

  13. morgan is in the bahamas luky guy. Btw colorado is behind sc. I cant wait im thinkin 15 fps in game mario wow and mario kart time trial on that chocolate track will be like full speed i already get 20 i cant wait. Any body got ideas for r8

  14. On Mario Kart time mode in the chocolate level I got 23.1 fps. And in all the other levels the average for me was 15-17. Now the chocolate level will be like full speed and the other levels will be ver playable. Oh, and rampage will definetly be full speed , since it was already going 25 fps.

  15. you know the the screen before you enter a level in mario they will be over full speed maybe we should put on a fps limiter(lol) but not really.

  16. strmn said hes getting 20 in the castle and i was getting like 8-9 in the first level and 12 in the castle so i think the first level will be 12-15 fps maybe but im gonna pretend like it will be 10 so that i will be like whoa thats crazy lol

  17. I believ at r5 he said frame skip would do very very little but maybe with cpu emulation time down image rendering time being reduced would help more but i doubt it.

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  20. I think maybe speed or a combination of speed and sound so that we maintain a good frame rate but gain sound or compatibility/graphics like in ssb where you can get into versus but you cant see your charecter or half of the level.

  21. Really it is strmns choice he might be bored of speed until like r10 i dont know I am just waiting for r7

  22. All I want is the expansion pack working so I can play Zelda MM and/or Donkey Kong! WOW its 2:38 Eastern!

  23. yep 7:40 london maybe we will get it befor 4 here in the states then

  24. the time is 8:45 PM,
    here in denmark right now!

  25. In NYC it is 2:48 PM. Oh, and I skipped the soccer game. I couldn't miss this.

  26. The purple/black textures are due to the real textures not being applied properly/at all. This has actually been fixed in lots of games already even without this new release :-P

  27. He said it would be released in a couple hours about 2 hours ago. So it could be here any minute.

  28. it is released joy to the world check source forge.

  29. mario cart got screwed up on choco mountain in time trial darn try it out mkg

  30. It is like choppy in Choco mt. in Mario Kart.

  31. What is that texture update thing???

  32. its also in some other places but not as bad (choppy that is)

  33. i got wierd green textures in sm64

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