Saturday, July 29, 2006


I'm very pleased to be able to say that I've finally managed to fix the nasty bug I blogged about on Thursday.

I'll go into more details in a later post, but in essence the problem was due to very rare situations where the trace recorder would exit a trace when there was still a branch delay instruction pending. This caused the fragment generator to inadvertently skip the branch instruction, causing the odd behaviour I was seeing.

For reference, here are some updated figures for Super Mario 64 and Mario Kart (initial results are from a previous post). Generally the current changes seem to indicate an overall speedup of 20%-25%, which is great for a few days work. What's even better is that I've still not implemented all the optimisations that I have planned for R7, so hopefully these numbers will look even better soon.

SceneR4 Framerate (Hz)R5 Framerate (Hz)Current Framerate (Hz)
Mario Head368
Mario Main Menu142530
Mario Peach Letter6-71113
Mario Flyby (under bridge)61012
Mario In Game5-6911
Mario Kart Nintendo logo102324
Mario Kart Flag61113
Mario Kart Menu71113

(I'll update with results from Zelda shortly - I have to go to a BBQ now!)



  1. This is when you need a private tester, talk to me StrmnNrmn!? No kersplatty it won't be nearly that qucik but it will be running quicker to that you will notice a nice difference. This emulator will take time, and I like to just think negative. For example with this 20-25% increase I tell myself that it will only feel like a 5% increase, which later when R7 releases when it's faster than that you expected. The last thing you want is people to think it's going to be SO much faster and then when they play it they get mad and cry like they're 9.

  2. Oh and to note PSPUpdates finally got my latest build on they're site! I think they weren't getting my tip so I put it on they're forums and when I woke up it was there! It was about time too, sorry Mario Kart God they didn't put my special thanks in there.

  3. I'll agree with geekpie. I think the speed to play games really good is 25 fps. StrmnNrmn do you think you will be able to get that much speed in R7. Or will that kind of speed be in lets say R8, or R9?

  4. New build! I updated my list to satisfy some requests I got! Enjoy guys, now 30 titles are featured!
    Going to work will be back in like 6 hours!

  5. Cool build Morgan, BTW which game in your opinion plays the best?

  6. Mario Kart God: In my opinion obviously Super Mario 64 runs the best overall, but one game running smoothly that I think plays fast would have to be someting like Rampage


    Well I'm off work now and I'm kind of tired so I think I'm going to go smoke then go to sleep. I'll be on for a little longer so, anyway if no one wants to talk for a little then I'll cya tomorrow guys!

  7. New Build!

    Hope you enjoy it, and it'll be on PSPUpdates too so enjoy that when that comes out!

  8. geekpie: did u install a custom firmware, if so u have a chance. hold R upon booting.

    and is every1 bbq'ing? i just went to 1, lol. too bad its hot as hell in New York...up to 100 this week...

  9. same here, its like 200 degrees in chicago, but that means nothings better than sitting at home and playing mario 64

  10. It's weird because I just went to a BBQ yesterday. Oh, and it's so hot here in NYC.

  11. It's hot here to in DE, anyway I will have a new build ready for you guys a little later. Hopeing to add like 6 more titles out of requests I got.

  12. Yes and I'll be posting a new build very soon too!

  13. Cool Morgan! It's so F***** HOT!!!!!!!! It's like a million degress!

  14. Just as promised my latest build! Now it features 37 N64 games, mostly this update is for people that requested tests. But if you want the latest build download link below! I sent one over to pspupdates so expect an update! Well I hope Minotaur, Mario Kart God, and Extrakrispy saw the special thanks I gave them in the last pspupdates article.

  15. I saw the special thanks! I'll download your build now! 37 titles!!!!!!!!!!! That's awesome!

  16. Thanks and yeah PSPupdates should have a new article soon!

  17. Not to rush you or anything StrmnNrmn but now that you got that problem all fixed I'll be waiting for your email! Keep up the great work and hopefully I'll hear from you soon.

  18. 35MB? I think the pics could do with having their compression tweaked, or you could get some hosting and make a proper site for it. The site option could be quite a good option for you, would be easier than uploading the whole thing to sendspace every time you add something.

  19. I'm actually thinking of compressing with something else but I'm not sure yet. I also thought about a site but updating the build is actually easier than updating the site. I'm not sure but we'll see what happens in the future.

  20. One last thing, a lot of the files with longer descriptions have the end of the name cut off, some name length limit or another. As an example, the last one for Mario Kart.

  21. The names aren't cut off just click the picture and all the words will appear. Make sure your viewing the whole list under "thumbnails" and each individual game screenshots as "filmstrip". It's all in the read me that comes with the list.

  22. I was going to say yes so this is awesome. Thanks I'll talk more in the morning!

  23. The filenames are definately cut off after a certain length, I was viewing them as advised in the readme. I'll sort out a screenshot of me viewing it for you to look at, maybe someone will spot something.

  24. And I'm done. Shots of me viewing the Mario Kart one in thumbnail mode:

    and filmstrip mode:

    If I try to rename the file then that is actually the whole name. Also, the lack of thumbnail image for it is because the extension is cut off with the end of the name.

  25. There's nothing wrong with my file names, your problem is that you have your theme settings on the old windows. You need to change it to the XP theme and then when you click it all the words will show up. Unless you have a old pc and you don't have windows. Because on XP you click the pic like you did but it will show the whole title.1

  26. No problem Wally just make sure that I get the credit, anything to help StrmnNrmn and to help the progress of Daedalus.

  27. Here Wally maybe you should host this and instead of calling it morgan call it captain morgan. Like the dosgames/wally/ (or however the spelling is)

    (I converted the entire project to jpeg, everything looks EXACTLY like the old version just half the file size! I believe it's 17MB now so enjoy!)

  28. They're in there, under the name The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time.

  29. The Daedalus test results are the Daedalus Compatability Test. I just renamed it, just look for my name on it. (Captain Morgan)

  30. Oh sorry, my bad but I'm sure StrmnNrmn will answer your question as soon as he can. We haven't had an update the past 2 days so that means he's probably making good progress on R7, we might have an update tonight. I got a feeling.

  31. I have a very good feeling he will update us later today! Gonna go play soccer, to get into shape, be back in a few hours.

  32. Yeah same I'm happy with frequent WIP updates and releases that are spaced apart pretty nicely.

  33. Hi guys just got back frmo the travel soccer club, and I am so out of shape i almost passed out! uhhhhhhh, a wip update would be awesome!

  34. Yeah I just got off the bowflex so I'm a little tired too, but this poweraid is helpin!

  35. I was playin Mario Kart today MKG and man I can't wait till R7 that way I can play a faster Mario Kart, it's going to be awesome!

  36. Hmmmm... it appears the filenames are intact in the archive, so I guess it must be Windows screwing the names up. I've never had this happen before on files with really long names though, tis very strange.

  37. His bbq must be a sleep over type of bbq. Oh, I cant wait to play Mario Kart in R7!

  38. I still got my original PSP, just now it's Platnuim thanks to XCM and also it's got a 1gb (soon 4gb) stick. With an Sony Stamina battery (20% longer life) and of course NES, Genesis, SNES, N64, & Devhook 0.46 (with return to 1.5 mod). Got it when it was a 1.5 and updated it to 2.0, then back to 1.5 months later, and now it will stay a 1.5 thanks to Devhook!

  39. Just so you guys know StrmnNrmn has emailed me backa bout joining him. He has informed me that though he appreciates me helping him he doesn't want to expand the team (him) just yet. He said maybe when the emulator gets better he plans on expanding the team. He said to just keep doing what I'm doing and when he does expand the team he will need people he trusts. Like me and Wally, so we'll see what happens.

  40. wow, strmnnrmn must be having one hell of a bbq

  41. I know I don't offer anything really for to actually join the team, I just want to do like testing bugs or something. Just maybe something to save him time so he can work hard on Daedalus.

  42. If not then I will just continue to cover Daedalus and I will continue to help people here.

  43. well, StrmnNrmn definitly deserves a break after all the hard work he's been putting into the emulator. We hope to see you back soon StrmnNrmn, and good luck with R7!

  44. Hey Morgan, i love your compatibility list. But, I'm asking you a serious question. Would you mind if you and me "joined up?"

    I have created a compatibility list of my own (based upon yours) that only includes games you have not yet mentioned. I tested 19 additional games and 11/19 i have classified as "running." If you are interested, add these to yours and post em together. If not, other people can check out my compatibility list. I may continue my work as well. I hope you agree with me so that we can create "Capt. Morgan/CoBrA2168's compatibility list for Daedalus PSP R6"

    Here is the download link to my list:


  45. I downloaded your list and I see the 11 games you did. Though alot of the pictures you can't see, like it just days it's a file, liek it's corrupted. Also you have yo rename your pictures in numbers like 1,2,3,etc also convert the pictures to JPEG and then send me a revised build because this one has errors with some of the pictures. I noticed in first hockey one the two you had comments on they were corrupted. Anyway when you have a polished build link it up and we'll talk. Thanks!

  46. hHey kramer, how about you go somewhere else. Or dont try to start a fight.

  47. Oh, and StrmnNrmn any updates??? Whats going on?

  48. Can u let the guy work instead of bugging him every 5 seconds for an update? Geez....

  49. The save isn't perfeect yet, either is Zelda so. I also know about batch conversions and that's what I used to give that updated folder I made in about 5 min. You can do it cobra just find the right program. And to the person who said I was spamming I"m sorry. But I won't have any other build comming very soon so you won't have to worry about it.

  50. I feel an update coming today guys!

  51. I sure hope not, but your scaring me by saying that?? Wheres strmNrmn??????

  52. Thanks guys it makes me feel good that you guys appreciate the work it even took to make the builds I did. Now that work is nothing to StrmnNrmn's work so I just hope I saved StrmnNrmn a little time to get Daedalus the best it can be. It is good that we are hearing nothing from StrmnNrmn though because it means everynight he's been working on the emulator. Trust me he's working on it hard at night and when he's done he doesn't want to even touch a pc after that. So just keep up the great work StrmnNrmn and thanks to you other guys it makes my work worth while.

  53. So what you downloaded a save from somewhere, I mean I know you did't actually get that many stars by actually playing it. Anyway convert them to JPEG quickly and post a new build here because I'm putting a build together very soon to submit to PSPUpdates. I had it unzipped I'm not an idiot, maybe something went wrong in the download, but I'm sure if I tried again they'de be okay.

  54. Cobra man I need to submit this latest build man I need you to come up with that converted build like now man. Thanks wolfe!

  55. ryanwolfe you dumbass what are you talking about most people love daedalus they are just impaitent.

  56. No need for that kind of language man come on, anyway Cobra I would like to have that save file though for testing. Might help StrmnNrmn, when you can could you throw that thing over to my email.


  57. how morgan be the best "pre-dev" out there?

    thats just like saying im the best nascar driver ever but I only drive a mini van. Coding doesnt take someone that takes screenshots of an emulator and than claims to be joining strmnrmn who said he doesnt need a dev team right now. Its ok if you have basic knowlegde of how an emulator runs, but do you, morgan, have any basic knowledge on n64 emulation for the psp?

  58. I believe I have enough information I need to know about emulation that I will need to know, and if I am so lucky to be able to help StrmnNrmn I'm sure if there is something I don't know he will teach me. Please the comments about me being the "best non-dev" or whatever were not made by me so don't take them as my opinion. I am just one person like you guys trying in any way I can to help Daedalus be the best it can be. I don't know why someone else said that I am just doing this to get pre builds or something because so far I haven't done anything very selfish. I have made the best documentation of tests with missing_mux to help the progress of this emulator, I don't see why anyone would make these comments.

  59. Cobra I'm sorry but when I said now I actually meant now. I submited my build to PSPUpdates, but keep up your work and I'll polish it and if you would like I can put it in the next build.

  60. I'm out guys goin to go smoke, Cobra hit me up about that save file. I'll check my mail in the morning, please don't dissapoint, night!

  61. I never thought of it like that, I'm not making any builds like that anyone besides this Cobra update. Read the article on PSPUpdates when it comes out it'll explain.

  62. Cobra I'd really like to wake up to that mario save too, please and thanks.

  63. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


    There ya go guys my blog, it's the same layout as StrmnNrmn but that's only because my favorite color is green and this one has the best green in it. Anyway if ANYONE wants to talk about my compatability list go there and if anyone asks about my list I will direct them there. Sorry StrmnNrmn for the trouble.

  65. Cobra what is your email again?

  66. Don't worry I don't let those clowns get to me, but please if you want to talk about my list please do it on my blog.


    My final build! More description at my blog, and please only talk about it on my blog.

  68. I'm done with updates so does it matter now?

  69. Just finished playing the PCSX2 (PS2) emulator, its surprisingly good. Hopefully we'll get those kinds of speeds with this emulator soon! (20-30 fps)

  70. StrmnNrmn could you think about adding the chance of having multiple saves in a future build. Thanks and keep up the great work, I know when you update us you will probably have a whole crap load of stuff to tell us.

  71. stremnrmenadnsd must be having one hell of a bbq, how long has it been, 5 days? he must weigh 600 lbs by now.

  72. This is a great thing, I bet he got so far into R7.

  73. I bet u he got already farther than he expected in R7.

  74. Have paticience guys, it takes a while to code, especially for emulators, he's prolly fixing up sum bugs that would interfere w/ gameplay. The longer it takes the better. Instead of pumping out a release every two weeks, a lot more can be done in long-block intervals. Just look at PCSX2, the speed increase has been dramastic over the past few months... Just give the guy sum time.

    Bsides, he does have a life ya know!

  75. I bet u by the time StrmnNrmmn's next post is the emulator is going to be extremely fast!

  76. I hope he's ok. I wish he would post something.
