Thursday, July 27, 2006

Captain Morgan's compatibility results

It looks like Captain Morgan has put a lot of effort into doing compatibility testing with Daedalus R6. Thanks Cap'n! (thanks for your email too - I promise I'll get back to you just as soon as sort this issue out!)


Don't miss Wally*Won_Kenobie's R6 compatibility list, which is also excellent. Wally has been collecting missing_mux.txt files for me too, for which I am indebted :)



  1. no it usually means that your dump of the game isnt perfect

  2. It's also his settings, I think he has the expansion pack on. Doesn't work for me but I haven't gotten any screens yet so I don't know. Guys for some reason I think PSPUpdates didn't get my new build so I'll try them again because there's no new article about my Compatability List.


    * There's my latest build by the way, remeber copy and paste both parts to download *

  4. Morgan I just emailed you the pictures of me playing in the first cup of Mario. I sent it to your yahoo email address and your AOL email address.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Am I allowed at this site to tell where to get roms???

  7. That's where I downloaded Mario Kart.

  8. The reason you have to have the dynarec off is because it's not complete and there's some issues still with it. So that's the reason some games work better with it on and off. In R7 StrmnNrmn should have most of those problems solved, so we'll be pretty good when R7 comes out!

  9. WHEN IS R7COMING OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, I just want it so badly!

  10. Calm down mario kart god, just think for a second of a like 20fps mario kart on the psp. I'm sure StrmnNrmn will wetten our appetites soon.

  11. I hope it's soon! But I keep imagining me playing 25 fps in Mario Kart. I think this is how it will all turn out for Mario Kart though: R7=18-21 fps, R8=22-26 fps, R9=27-30 fps

  12. Sorry guys. I was having a moment of being stupid.

  13. Hey calm down everyone, he's just anxious. No name calling it's pointless it ends the same way every time. Just everyone chill and wait for PSPUpdates to finish making they're new article about my updated compatability list. I had to squeeze that in there, but Mario Kart God who knows if that's how the speeds will go. But I doubt it since StrmnNrmn most likely won't be working on speed in R8. I say compatability or stability for R8.

  14. But I think even if StrmnNrmn is working on Compatibility and Stability in R8 he will still make it go a couple frames faster since he always finds bugs to kill along the way. Even if there really small.

  15. BTW any updates StrmnNrmn? Did you kill that pesky bug?

  16. Good point Mario Kart God (about what you said to my last comment). But yeah guys just stay calm and R7 will be here when it gets here, StrmnNrmn somehow finds a way to work on this project in his spare time. So I mean you have to look at this through his eyes, if your doing something for free on your time you wouldn't want people breathing down your neck asking constantly "where is it, when's it comming out!". Hope that makes sense, I don't know what PSPUpdates is doing guys, it's like my tips I sent them aren't getting through or something. Expect to see an article soon, hopefully.

  17. I don't think you have to worry about it, R7 should be out before then. If it isn't I would be greatly surprised.

  18. I go back to school as a Juniour August 12. It would be awesome when I could play it on the train. If its out before then that would be awesome!


    * Updated file! Just a quick fix to the Mario Kart section, special thanks to Mario Kart God *

  20. Thanks, I'm going to work now be back in 6 hours, hopefully then pspupdates qill have an article for me to read about my latest build.

  21. Or maybe by the time you get back StrmnNrmn will have posted some good news.

  22. Guys I'm back from work and I released my latest build on Qj's forums so if they don't make an article about my latest build tonight I will be simply pissed off. Anyway I'm going to go drinkin with some friends I'm out!

  23. k, seya morgan. I'm gonna go to sleep.

  24. Well send me the screens and I'll put them in the new build.
