Thursday, June 15, 2006

PSdonkey's build

PSdonkey made this comment when releasing a pre-release of R5 last week:

I went ahead and compiled the new source for everyone and also added a couple of minor changes to the source for speed improvements.

As I have no way of getting in touch with him directly, I'd like to ask him publicly if he could forward me a set of diffs for the 'speed improvements' he applied. Not just because this is a requirement of the GPL (the license under which the Daedalus PSP source is made available), but because I think it would be beneficial to the project to apply these changes to the main source tree. Having said that, I suspect PSdonkey might simply have been attempting to take partial credit for several weeks development work. I'll let you know if I receive any diffs...


  1. Now you start to see the TYL emu source was released shifted by one version from the bin. :-)
    (while still protecting the GPL somehow)

    I hope PSMonkey will send you the source changes and confirm he is a "right" guy.

    BTW, still waiting a mail from you ;-)


  2. Oooppss... Missing a word.

    Now you start to see WHY ...
    (really annoying that you cant modify your post)

  3. TO br2x:

    Well, even if we didn't do public release of the code matching the binary, everybody was free to join the project on TYL...
    But how many mails did I receive ?
    None !

    So only REALLY motivated people could get the latest version, thus avoid problems.

    We never tought about closing the code anyway... Just avoid buggers.

    PSMonkey came on this boards a few days ago I believe (look at the comment on previous post) and said he has improved things a bit, compiled a binary and done a release. Which is ok as he informed the author right ?

    But no more news, and especially no release of the CHANGES on the source. which is quite bad news.
    (or it wasnt PSMonkey who wrote on this board ?)

    I just hope that he was just very busy with his job for a while and had no time to come back on the net.
    Once back, get in touch and release the changes to strmn.

    Else.. well, you can imagine.


  4. Oopps... too much time without sleep,
    didnt notice :

    Monkey / Donkey....

    Gee, is it a special FBI / CIA trick or what ?
    4:17AM, time to sleep...

  5. Strmnnrmn, first off I wanted to say congradulations on all your hard work on this project. This is an amazing emulator and I appriciate all your hard work that you have put into this project.
    Second, I wanted to let everyone know that I clearly stated in my orignial post over at even before I posted in this blog that all 100% credit goes to StrmnNrmn for this awesome work. All I did was compile the new source that you had uploaded to because of the numerous requests that I have gotten from many many people who wanted to test out the new progress.
    About the pre R5 build that I made. Yes I did change a couple of minor things in the source code and things seemed to run a tad bit better. However, after reviewing your updated R5 release, none of the changes that I made in the other build had any effect in this new R5 build that you released. In fact most of what I did was clean up some of the excess code and I can see that you already did this in your R5 release.

    Now, alot of people are asking me if I can make your emualtor combaitible with PSmonkey's N64 emualtor Monkey64. If its ok with you, I went ahead and compiled new binaries of your R5 build to be compatible with Monkey64 (Complete source included). This way you can put all of your games in one folder in the root of the psp directory called "n64" That way, you can either play Daedalus or Monkey64 and do not need to have duplicate rom games in seperate folders.
    Here are the new R5 builds that are compatible with Monkey64.

    Daedalus R5 for version 1.00

    Daedalus R5 for version 1.5

    Daedalus R5 source files

    Remember, those who want to use this new R5 release, there is not a "Rom" folder anymore. You need to create a new folder in the root of the psp memory stick where your "PSP" folder is located at. You need to name the folder "n64" just like you would in Monkey64. Then place all your rom games in that n64 folder and you can play both Daedalus and Monkey64 without having to have duplicate games in different folders taking up double the memory.

    Once again ALL credit goes 100% to StrmnNrmn for his amazing work.
    StrmnNrmn, if you ever want to drop me an email or something feel free at

    P.S. If you ever start accepting donations for your hard work, I will be the first to donate. i will also donate to PSmonkey for his great work on Monkey64. I am sure once he keeps working on it, there will be a vast amount of improvement. (Now all I have to do is set up a paypal account so i can start donating)

  6. itsallthesame2me, go up to your internet browser, click on view, then click on text size then click on either smallest or decrese text size. That should be able to show the entire link that I gave for you to download. If that doesn't work here are the links cut in half. Just copy and paste the address from inside the [].

    Daedalus R5 New for version 1.00


    daedalus R5 New for version 1.50


    Daedalus R5 New source


    I also added a new menu picture to the binaries for those who requested it.

    Again all credit goes to StrmnNrmn

  7. itsallthesame2me, go up to your internet browser, click on view, then click on text size then click on either smallest or decrese text size. That should be able to show the entire link that I gave for you to download. If that doesn't work here are the links cut in half. Just copy and paste the address from inside the [].

    Daedalus R5 New for version 1.00


    daedalus R5 New for version 1.50


    Daedalus R5 New source


    I also added a new menu picture to the binaries for those who requested it.

    Again all credit goes to StrmnNrmn

  8. Thanks PSdonkey for this new build. It runs great and I love the new menu!

  9. I was going to post some responses here, but I had some important points to make so I've stuck them in a whole new post.
