Thursday, June 15, 2006

Daedalus PSP R5

I've just uploaded the R5 release to sourceforge. Here's the changelist:

[+] New DynaRec engine, resulting in significant performance improvements
[+] New front end - ability to toggle a couple of options (more to come)
[+] Save game first pass (eeprom4k, eeprom16k and mempak)
[^] Various interpreting engine optimisations
[~] Use .png fileformat for background images, save ~380KB
[~] Stripped out unnecessary code, save ~250KB

By far the most substantial change was the addition of the new dynarec engine. As detailed in previous posts, this is still some way from completion but is already providing significant benefits (around a 2x increase in speed in many roms).

I've also added the groundwork for a new front end and implemented a first-pass of the savegame system. The savegame support isn't fully tested so I'm expecting a few teething problems - please post any bug reports on the sourceforge site (preferably!), the comments page or email me (check the readme.txt..)

I'm not too sure what I want to concentrate on next. It's been over a month since the last release and I think that it would be a good idea to knock out the next few releases in quick succession, to help me pick up some momentum that I've lost. If I aim to do this I'll probably concentrate on some nice (but quick) improvements such as various graphical fixes, savegame support and per-rom control configuration. Any suggestions welcome :)


R5 Source
R5 for v1.00
R5 for v1.50


  1. How do u load a save? And how do u save?

  2. hey for controls how about

    a psp triger for the z button (fast presses)

    dpad and stick for dpad and stick

    square and x for a and b

    triangle and circle for l and r

    the other trigger as a switch to
    change the face buttons into c buttons

  3. a better save sys, like those of the snes and gen emus. Keep the menu, it makes it seem like a real game. BTW, relating 2 saving, i find that the mario 64 saves never appear 4 me...

    ***GO ITALIA***
