Monday, November 05, 2007

Icons for Daedalus

I've never taken the time to add icons to the Daedalus EBOOT.PBP. Mostly it's just because I've been lazy (when I develop Daedalus I usually run it through psplink rather than the XMB, so I rarely see the frontend), but also because I've never found a suitable set of icons to use.

There are plenty of icon/background packs floating around for Daedalus, but I've been reluctant to use any of them; I need something that I can freely distribute, but also something that doesn't infringe on any trademarks.

I'd like to add icons and a background to Daedalus for the next release, so I'm opening a 'competition' to try and find the best design. The 'prize' will be full credit in the release notes and on the Daedalus About screen (including a link to your website if you wish). Here's what I'm looking for:

  • Background 480x272, preferably in .png format
  • Icon 134*74, preferably in .png format
  • No use of Nintendo's trademarks! This means no use of the "N64" or "Nintendo" logos. Sorry. Be inventive!
  • You must own the work you submit, and give me permission to use it with Daedalus PSP

Email your submissions to me ( I'll post all the submissions I receive by 16th November on this site to get people's thoughts, and make a decision the following Monday (19th November - that's two weeks today!)

Of course if you don't like whatever decision I make, you're always welcome to repack the Daedalus EBOOT.PBP and use any of the other graphics people send in :)

Time to get mspaint fired up!



  1. YEA!! you're doing this because I said something, a while back, about icons, aren't you?
    I am one of the best artists in my school. I'm gonna get you an icon and background.
    Oh this is gonna be fun. ^^

    ok, I'll get started.
    You say you're too lazy to make an icon. haha! I'm too lazy to make an emulator.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Those are the sizes that the images have to be, if they aren't that size the images are going to be all screwy. I like this idea StrmnNrmn, nice to add some style to R14. I personally use the green Daedalus icon from PochStyle and use the DKR music theme as background music. Maybe you should mention adding sound to the eboots as well for more creativity. Well good to see you updating but I'm still waiting for Diddy Kong Racing to be worked on so it works correctly, hope you can get to it soon.

  4. The Size of the Icon, the One on the XMB that you Choose in the First Place to load Daedalus, and the Larger One is the Background behind that Icon.........All Clear Now... ;o)

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  7. If I may make a specific request, could you look into fixing the problems displaying the text in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2? The text errors seem similar to the ones in Mario Tennis 3, so you might end up killing two birds with one stone :D

  8. 137x74???
    why not 140x80.
    thats the size of the icon0 of everything else.

    anyway i will def work on this for ya.

    and by no trademarked logos to u mean only the n64 logos ect. or can i use a picture of mario for example.

  9. buddy4point0, The guy said to be inventive. It probably means nothing to do with Nintendo or any copywritted material. I've already submitted in my Icon and Background to StrmnNrmn. It looks OK, I guess. It's pretty good just from mspaint and ypaint.

  10. Road Rash 64 on R13 is running at playable frames. Half of the screen is still covered with the sky, which is annoying to play the game with. Just to let you know, the speed has improved lots.

  11. Yes ! but... can we use a N64 logo made by our msPaint and our mouse in our pc ? this should be a good thing, shouldn't it ?
    I've already finished and I'm waiting an answer, if anyone knows ? ...


  12. mspaint fired up?

    if people gonna use mspaint for daedalus icons, i'm never going to use your program ever again >:-(

    jk, ofcourse :P people who are gonna submit icons will be photoshop pro's.

    atleast that's what i'm hoping for

  13. So many comments deleted, probly by people who dont understand what message me with your submissions means.

    Anyway do nintendo own the rights to having a red ring surround your brand name? i mean a simple DAEDLUS In red surrounded by the nintendo ring would look great. Infact ill try make it and submit it.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    Thats my entry's i cant find a send message button so i guess i have to post them here :\ So anyway i made these in great program btw :P But yeah there basic but i feel the icon is pretty straight forward.. The background is just there becuase you asked for both but i mainly wanted to do the icon... Dont use the background with it if you dont want to and i myself recomend not using the background :P

  16. well... i will try to help you out! Just give me some time and I send you something!!! :)

  17. Grant read his posts next time, he doesn't want you to post them here he wants you to email them to him, his email is in the post.

  18. Yes thats Right, i forgot myself, until you mentioned it, here it

  19. hEY ANYONE KNOWS WHAT VERISON OF Paper Mario for n64 Works on the Daedalus R13? (U) (J) (UK) ETC anyone can tell me please!! Thnks!!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. If anyone makes an icon and BG using Photoshop Pro, I'm screwed. I did ok for mspaint.

    Here's what mine looks like:

  22. hey, sorry to be off topic, but I love your work and felt like I needed to give back in a way. I was wondering if I could buy you a domain name and host your site on my server? you will get everything you need and it will be wordpress based so the updating is similar to what you have currently.

    Let me know if your interested, and thanks for the emulation, my sister loves playing mario cart!

    please email me at:


  23. StrmnNrmn I was playing R14 and I had some ideas on what you should implement for R14, just simple things. Well the first would be something you already mentioned a progress bar for saving/loading states. The second thing would be thumbnail pictures for the savestates to the right of the slots. I believe if you add these 2 small features it would be a great addition to the emulator, for the progress bar I hope you choose something nice not just something simple.

  24. Thanks for all your sumissions so far everyone. Keep them coming!

    Also, you don't HAVE to use mspaint, I was only joking :) You can use whatever you like - Photoshop, Paint.NET, PSP, Gimp etc.

  25. morgan: Thumbnail pictures are a really good idea. A little tricky to do, but I think it would be a great addition.

  26. i believe the thumbnail images were in many differneet emulators, so it would be great to have one in here :)

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. awesome sending mine heres the wallpaper.

  29. Here is my 2nd:
