Saturday, November 17, 2007

Icon Competition - Shortlist

I've just finished compiling a shortlist of what I think are the 10 best submissions for the icon competition.

I received just under 200 entries in total; I've been blown away by the response. Picking just 10 entries has been very difficult. In the end I had a 'longlist' of around 30 entries which I thought were superb, and it's taken me over an hour to whittle that down to just 10 entries.

Here is my shortlist, presented in the order they were submitted. Feel free to discuss these in the comments - I'll be reading your comments over the weekend, and I'll pick a final winner on Monday.

Thanks to everyone who entered - you're awesome!





Steven La

Victor Aguirre

Joël Dos Santos

Jay Mc

Patrick Ahmann



Edit 20/11/2007 12:00 Fix Pharonyk's name.


  1. I really dig the Steven La one :)

  2. I think you should choose your favourite, because i think there will be a couple of comments which are made by one person to let you think most people like entry X. Personally i don't like any of them but "Joël Dos Santos" ones. (And of course mine ;) )


  3. Victor Aguirre or the Hykypoo icons are the best.

    I hope you chooce one of them:D

    I have uploaded a file wich contains 4 songs by my team Golden Dragon.
    you can maby use one of them as the background music together with the icons.
    It contains 3 different songs...

    If you like one of them i can cut it our for you or maby you are good in doing that yourself:p

    Just tell me if you like one of them for daedalus.

    DL Link:

  4. Victor Aguirre

    because its modern and it combines the typical N64 and PSP style. The other entries are cool too, but most of them don't seem to fit N64 emulation in any way o.O

  5. J-fox:
    I think you can't say that overall. Fitting the styles of n64 and PSP seems to be the easiest way, but personally not the creativest one. Victor's one includes a Nintendo charakter which i thought wasn't allowed. Anyway ...

  6. @patrick: I will be choosing my favourite (rather than opening it to a vote), but I'm interested to see people's thoughts on these entries. I think a bit of open discussion is good :)

    I should have made it clearer about using Nintendo characters. I had to think quite hard about whether this would be ok. My problem with people using the N64 and Nintendo logos was that it would be infringing on Nintendo's trademarks. Representations of the characters themselves aren't trademarked, but there are copyright issues.

    @j-fox: I'm quite happy for designs to be quite abstract and not refer to the n64 or psp directly. I think in this sense, this competition is as much about creating a 'brand' for Daedalus itself as it it about selecting some new icons for the front end.

  7. The only ones I like are Cladil's and Joël Dos Santos's.

  8. I really like Jay MC's. "Daedalus64" is a pretty cool name and it doesn't infringe on copywrite laws.

  9. I think it is important to establish a brand identity - Nintendo stuff is well and good, but Daedelus is strong enough to stand on its own. I think you should consider how well the designs fit with your site, and update it to reflect the design you choose, further cementing the identity in peoples minds. My favourites are (not in order)


    and all the designs are stunning. It's pretty much as good as you'd get if you paid £1000s to some design company, so I'm grateful to everyone who's spent time.

  10. I have to say, I think in terms of updating the site, Juniorslick or Patricks designs are probably the best. A very strong identity, uncluttered, and patricks has a logo of sorts, whereas juniorslicks has a very distinctive typeface.

    I'd have to say in respect of that, those two would be my pick, but it's a difficult choice.

  11. I really like Victor Aguirre's, but maybe thats just because i think mario is the coolest video game character of all time (i love that little guy).

  12. you dont want/try out my music?

  13. my vote is for

    Joël Dos Santos

    but i will continue to use this at the next release anyway -->


    thanx for your great work with the n64 emu for the psp strmn. hope it all goes well with the ME!!

  14. i like the one from cladil and the one from jöel or what hes called =)

    cool colors and not overloaded with effects so the text is easy readable


  15. Victor Aguirre's entry really represents what Daedalus is: a Nintendo 64 emulator.

    What better way to show this then having one of the most popular characters to the system.

    They all are very good. A lot of work has gone into all of them, but for the criteria that they will be used for, I would have to say Victor Aguirre best fits the purpose.

  16. I would say,
    Patrick Ahmann (IR shell Ahman?), and Cladil.

    I have a suggestion I noticed on some of the submissions (like Patricks):
    you guys shouldnt write R1X, since they will be included in every release, correct?

    Unless you will be bothered changing them with every release :p

  17. ahmed:
    That should be no problem. (;

  18. Patrick Ahmann's one is A-WA-SO-MA!!! The other one are pretty smooth, but too basic...

  19. I vote for the first one!

    (I still think the phochi style ones are the best)

  20. I like the cool blue one (Joël Dos Santos) and the orange one (Pleaser). keep it simple

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. I made a new Icon pic for Jay Mc's because I wasn't too fond of his icon. It's based off his amazing background pic. Hope he doesn't mind.

  24. They are all nice but I was hoping for a green one to be in the top 10, I'm sure if I had seen the top 30 I could have found something to change my current one but for now I'm staying. I like the baby blue one and the one with the mario background but I perfer my pochi style green one with the DKR theme in the background music. I think you should pick your favorite StrmnNrmn, it's your emulator I'm just glad your working on it.

  25. Well I'm kinda depressed that i didn't make it but in the end some of your finalist didn't follow your own rules.

    Cladil - Used the N64 logo and the Mario logo, both copyrighted material from nintendo.

    Victor Aguirre - Used Mario for the background, that is a complete rip off Nintendo Material. Again copyright violation.

    Take this into account before choosing...

    I hate to be a kill joy, but it just my observations. Not to mention that most of the backgrounds/wallpapers fail to serve their purpose, which was to create an icon.

    Either way congrats to the victor and best wishes for the future.

  26. these look very good!! my fav is the one by Joël Dos Santos.

    I wonder if I made it into the "Top 30", with my entry. Strmn Nrmn I think you should release the top 30, after you decide the 1st place winner.

  27. I vote for Victor and Cladil, you know if we get to vote or something :)

  28. I like the icons of: Steven La, Victor Aguirre and Joël Dos Santos.

  29. Shouldn't the icon have a depiction of the console in it? It looks rather plain without such a thing. Anyway, I cast my vote for Joël Dos Santos.

  30. My vote goes for Victor Aguirre. You should really open up a poll for this. Either on your blog or on a popular message board.

  31. 1. Hykopo (Or something similar)
    2. Patrick Ahmann
    3. Steven La

  32. I really like Jay Mc's Theme/Icon Set. Its got style.. Keeps it simple yet effective.

  33. Hi !
    Thanks for choose my creations !
    Frank, my logos are made by me..

  34. Hi ! It's Cladil ^^
    Thanks for choose my creations !
    Frank, my logos are made by me..

  35. Joël Dos Santos is probably my fav.

    I also like Hykypoo's theme but not the icon.

  36. My votes go for Cladil, Victor Aguirre and Joël Dos Santos.

  37. They are all nice, but I prefer Cladil.

  38. The BGs that say 'R13' will be outdated soon. hahaha. And I thought we couldn't put Mario or anything to do with Nintendo on it. To be creative. Well I did see a couple really good ones, like the one from Hykypoo. That was a nice one!
    I wish I could go through all those entries myself and pick some of my 10 favs. I liked the one I did because I turned the Nintendo 'N' logo into the Daedalus 'D' logo. It looked pretty cool. Well this is your opinion of the best, Nrmn. goodluck with R14.

  39. Frank had a good comment, up there, about some people didn't follow the rules. I think we're all depressed that some of us didn't make it because of the copywritten material.
    I guess it's OK. It's not like we're gonna get a cookie for it. ^^

  40. Ok. All seem to be cool! But Let me ask a Question StrmnNrmn. The only Icons that u r going to add are the ICON0+PIC0? I mean were are the Inside Icons of the DAEDALUS R13? There's going to be inside Icons rigth? Because no any body can just take those 10 ICON0+PIC0 and use a PSP Media Manager to open the EBOOT and put one of those in the DAEDALUS R13. That's what u r going to do? StrmnNrmn. I mean I'm just asking, nothing seriously I just want to know if there is going to be a new interface for the inside of the Homebrew Daedalus R13. Thanks! Congrats again! StrmnNrmn!

  41. Thanks Boaz ! I will use them! :)
    your file!

  42. Victor Aguirre's looks a lot like he used copyrighted material there, so it shoud be out of the race.

    Cladil's just isn't eye-catching enough, to represent something as mindblowing as Daedalus, although I like simple designs.

    Pleaser had some nice ideas there, with the circles, not a bad pick, if you ask me.

    Basim Darwish's has neither an artistic composition nor any great ideas there... I can't say it stands for anything either...

    Steven La's would also be a good pick. It symbolizes speed and grace, the font is well-chosen.

    Joël Dos Santos's is again not bad, but not memorable enough.

    Jay Mc's is good, the flower pattern on the top left nicely breaks the monotonousness of the rest of it. Yet, I it can't quite erase slow overall impression...

    Patrick Ahmann's is certainly a great artwork! It just has it all: It's Clear and memorable, interesting, yet serious. Not something one would like to frame and look at for decades, but something that gives you a quick impression. Exactly as an Eboot icon should. My Pick.

    Hykypoo's is also good, but I think he overdid the details and colors a bit. The flowers are very nice, though.

    juniorslick363's would also be a good pick: nice and clean. The black of the letters is pushing the rest in the background. That's good since it clarifies what is important, but it's a bit overdone here, to the point that the images harmony is suffering. @juniorslick363: A dark shade of grey would have done the trick.

    There! My opinion, for anyone interested.

  43. Since my Icon+BG didn't make it into the Top 10, I'd like to show it anyway. Nothing copywritten.

    Does it look okay??

  44. My vote go to
    victor Aguirre.
    I like super Mario and this is very simple and beautifull.
    and this have a relation with your emulator

  45. most of these submissions have got pretty patterns and effects, but stray from the actual theme of the emulator.

    so it disappoints me seing what I've been beaten by.

    I think I'll just use my own icon and background.

  46. I'm going with Victor Aguirre's

  47. Cladil / Victor Aguirre are both great entries

    like others are saying none fit the theme :/

  48. I think the first one is the best.

    Nice work

  49. my top 2 are Victor Aguirre and hykypoo


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  51. I don't know why so few people are mentioning the one made by Hykypoo. I find it superb. I like this one very much, but I would also like Steven La's one. I think they are really original, and they don't use Nintendo icons, too. Let's see which one StrmnNrmn chooses! But the one you choose, StrmnNrmn, the one I will like. See you and lots of thanks to you for your really hard work.

  52. Joël Dos Santos and Cladil's, either would be fine as they are minimalistic and in keeping with the current Daedalus aesthetic.

  53. I like Patricks. It's well ordered and doesn't have a revision number, so it doesn't have to be updated every time.

  54. I really like the Steven La one.

  55. I agree totally with Samuel. Well Said.

  56. I vote for Patrick Ahmann's entry.

  57. In my opinion Victor Aguirre's one is best fitted for a n64 emulator, its slick, not to cluttered and would look real nice in the emulator

  58. Victor Aguirre's little Icon + Joël Dos Santos' background = the win.

  59. People don't get it, The one with the most votes wont win xD well it might if its his favourite aswell. But he said hes making the decision.

    Anyway i give props to steven his one has alot of class. ill be recompiling that in if he chooses another one.
    And also the one with mario in it is a bad choice, it gives nintendo another reason to come after this emu.

  60. Victor's icon is beautifully simple and functional, and would be better matched with another background, like Cladil's, Dos Santos's, or maybe a blue-tinted version of Pleaser's background.

  61. I thought the first two were awsome! But I also liked the one made by Patrick Ahmann... Hard choice... -.-

  62. Steven La's icon+bg looks like it could be the winner. I like it.

  63. Why do they all have writing on them? That's what the text that appears next to the icon on the PSP is for.

  64. Take Patrick Ahmann. He did a great job. It fits to daedelus

  65. There's a lot of good works.

    I chose :

    - Pleaser
    - Patrick Ahmann


  66. I'd go for wither the second one, or preferably Joël Dos Santos' entry. The others wither look bad or go against your requirements (No nintendo trademarks) and others aren't done so they could be used for multiple builds to come.

  67. Victor Aguirre's shows what R13 represents a nintendo 64 emulator. When I think nintendo I think Mario.

  68. But do you think of Nintendo 64? Of an emulator? I don't really think (although most people mentioned it) mario automatically lets you think of a nintendo64 emulator. anyway, it's StrmnNrmn decision and should be clear today.

  69. Hey guy, didn't you ask us not to use logo or chars from nintendo ?? what did i see everywhere ? mario, logo N64 etc...

    So i think this contest sux...

  70. well i still don't see a winner :P Strmnnrmn has got exactly 3 hours and 51 minutes to post a winner.

    "I'll post the winner on Monday"

    Very excited :D

  71. well Vendrame, this contest isn't official. I do believe it well...~sux~ also, but we tried. It doesn't matter, now that I'm using my own icon+bg for Daedalus.

  72. With respect to all. None of them.
