Monday, September 25, 2006

PIF fixes

It's about time I posted an update with news of some of the things I've been working on! Annoyingly the '.' key on my keyboard has decided to stop working so apologies in advance for any dodgy punctuation :)

I've been having a look at fixing a couple of issues related to the way that Daedalus handles the N64 PIF (peripheral interface) emulation. The PIF is responsible for a number of different functions, including:

  • Reading the controller status

  • Reading/writing to the eeprom

  • Reading/writing to the controller mempak

Access to the PIF is controlled through a 64 byte region of memory. Writing to this area triggers the PIF to interpret the block of data as a sequence of commands (such as those listed above), and the CPU can read back from this region to obtain the results.

Correctly handling the way the block is formatted is key to emuating the PIF accurately. Over the years I've rewritten this code several times as I've fixed bugs, each time fixing certain incorrect assumptions made during the previous version. Usually these assumptions were made on incredibly useful, but incomplete information (such as early docs from LaC (*waves*) ) which described how to use the PIF rather than how to emulate it. Unfortunately there was lots of gaps in this information and so I'd keep finding roms that used the PIF is various ways that I'd not taken into account.

A few years ago I stumbled across something rather amazing - a document which described the PIF hardware in great detail. Not only was it very thorough - including details on all the various formatting commands I'd spent hours reverse engineering - it also included an insane amount of detail on things such as the chip timings and the even method by which the PIF is used as a 'security system' to lock out pirated roms.

What was this document? Did I find it tucked away on some obscure N64 hacking site? No - it was US Patent 6,394,905, filed by Nintendo in September 2000. Genius!

There are actually a whole series of N64 patents (see 5,426,762 and 4,799,635 for a couple of other similar examples.) It's not all good news though because unfortunately they're all written in a horribly convulted form of Legalese:

There are six JoyChannels available in the present exemplary embodiment. Each Channel's transmit data and receive data byte sizes are all independently assignable by setting size parameters. In the exemplary embodiment, all six channels size parameter setups are required, whether they are used or not.


This is the statement I spotted a couple of weeks ago that explained why one of the previous assumptions I'd made wasn't working in all cases:

If the 64 bit CPU 100 wants to change JoyChannel's Tx/RxData assignment, a 32 bit format flag is used, where a certain bit(s) specify the desired format. For example, when Wr64B or Wr4B is issued when this flag is "1", PIF executes each JoyChannel's Tx/RxData assignment based on each channel's Tx/Rx Size. In other words, unless this flag is set to "1" with Wr64B or Wr4B, Tx/RxData area assignment does not change. After Tx/RxData assignment, this flag is reset to "0" automatically.

After painfully wading through the text, it's basically saying that if you write a '1' to the last byte of the PIF block, you need to reformat all the channels. Otherwise you just assume the same formatting as the previous command.

The bug that I've since fixed was actually caused by two problems. Firstly, I was reformatting the channels regardless of how this last byte was set. I'd assumed that it was always set to '1' by the CPU to indicate that a command was ready, and set to '0' by the PIF when it was finished executing. In a few roms I was seeing '0' being written, but I didn't know why. Quite often when I saw them do this they'd hang shortly aftwerwards.

The other problem that contributed to the bug was that I was accidentally overwritting the 'Tx/RxData assignment' area with 0 as I was processing the PIF block (actually, I was clearing the top 4 bits of each byte, rather than just the top 2). This meant that when I reformatted the Tx/RxData assigments the areas were smaller than expected, so the PIF handling code would abort and return with failure.

These two problems combined to cause certain roms to get confused and hang when trying to access the mempak. The total fix was a few dozen lines of code to separate out the PIF formatting from the command execution, and a single-line fix for the second issue. All the roms I found exhibiting this issue now make further progress (hooray!) There may well be other issues that have been resolved with this fix too :)

It's bedtime for me now (well, maybe a little Dead Rising on the 360 first :) I'll try and get back into the habit of updating a bit more often from this week on. Sorry if I've not replied to your email - it's not personal, it's just me being rubbish.



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I'm a college student and I wish I was a clever and smart as you. Good luck with your workings. I look forward to hearing from you again.

  3. Will this help speed or compatibility?

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. http://www.petitiononline. com/31846146/petition.html , then take out the %20 after it says the page does not exsist. go here if you want online mode for GTA VCS.

  6. MKG: Its way too late in the dev period for that...

  7. Well do it anyway, maybe they will still add it in something like downloadable content, please.

  8. As long as it has the adhoc multiplayer I'll be fine with it. Anyway thanks StrmnNrmn for updating and I'm glad you fixed this bug it, to those wondering what it will do I guess I'll answer that. Basically you just get faster loading times, like for example if you selected something in a game and it had to bring up a new screen, if new screen commming up hung for a couple of seconds well now this is fixed!

  9. Almost forgot, Wally I noticed some bugs in Mario Kart 64 with your build you posted the other day. For some reason the green/red shells are invicible (I can see they're shadows on the road and that's it). Also in the ice level the gound is invisible, there may be more bugs but that's all I've seen thus far. Hope that helps and I hope everyone else is seeing the same problems as me, if not tell me because I'll try downloading it again or something.

  10. No no Morgan he messed up!
    I already told him that!
    And thank you Morgan for eplaining what this fix does!

    ( O ) ( O )

  11. I totally can't wait for R9. this is just getting better and better. Speed is great right now and compatibility will be even cooler. Yeah!

  12. Keep up the good work StrmnNrmn!

    You set a good example of what a PSP homebrewer should be - something that Yoshihiro is not.

    (I find it funny how I always thought Yoshihiro to be a cheat - to only find out that he actually is!)

  13. Thanks Wally I'll go get 1.1 and yeah could you try to get SSB working a little better. The changes you already added are great, but I'm just wondering if you can go further. Also a hgue special thanks for fixing DKR for me, I hope when R9 comes out some of these problems will be fixed. Lastly Wally do you think Goldeneye & Resident Evil 2 will work now?

  14. Wally I tried the 1.5 kxploited version that "video freak" made MANY times and I can't get v1.1 to work on my 1.5? I hate when this happens, something wierd about changing eboots. Any tips to get it working, or could you maybe link me to another download of your v1.1, please?

  15. Yeah StrmnNrmn has to do some work on SSB to get it working in-game, hopefully he'll have something done for it in R9. Anyway Wally I'm going to try v1.1 again, maybe it'sll work today!

  16. I need to re-kxploit my files, what's the easiest program for turning the 1.0's to 1.5's? Please someone answer quickly I'm getting frustrated!

  17. yo Morgan!
    Bro use KXploit!
    Go to Yahoo or Google and type in "kxploit psp"
    Good luck bro!
    ( O ) ( O )

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. Anyway I got kxploit finally and my homebrew is working as good as new. Wouldn't you know it after Daedalus gave me problems I got issues from DGEN after that!?

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  21. Guys Wally's v1.2 is out now, nice work Wally.

    And for 1.5 users like me go to page 4 for the kxploited versions.

  22. morgan I highley reccomend you get a custom firmware they are great.

    Also going by patterns we are gonna have r9 pretty soon.

  23. Whats so great about custom firmware? I run all my emulators very fast, I have my homebrew customized. Then I got Devhook for all my 2.71 needs. Like really what can you do with the custom firmwares that I can't, maybe I'll switch.

  24. Well I already hide my corrupt data icons so that's not a problem. Also about the stopping the UMD's when the PSP turns on, you can jsut turn the security to level 1 and you won't load the UMD's when it turns on. Also I don't flash my psp so I don't think I'll be bricking it anytime soon. Here's what I got though!

    Platnium (silver really, no fingerprints!) XCM faceplate

    1.5 PSP

    1GB - 90 songs, 5 pics, NES, Sega Genesis, Super Nintendo, N64 (Daedalus Wally's v1.2), Devhook, and iR Shell.

    PSP Stamina Battery (30% longer life)

    Also I use PSPWXP for my Windows XP needs. I'm fine with my 1.5 regular psp because I've got it hooked up and it's better than anyone elses anywhere in my area.

  25. Hey does anyone here make .AT3's? If I got two mp3 files I would liek converted to .AT3 but for some reason it won't work. I downloaded the Atrac3 codec and then got GoldWave. It's just that after saving it as a .wav and making the attributes the Atrac3, when I save it to my desktop and rename it, it still says it's a wav file. I have put .at3 after renaming it but it still says it's a .wav file. Can someone help me and convert these 2 mp3's for me PLEASE?

  26. yes you can do what ever you want with your 1.5 and devhook doesnt upgrade it just emulates the firmware big diffrence

  27. morgan you also can load prxs in 1.5 meaning you could take screenshots or whatever plus it will be helpful when the 8 gigs come out to load the prx that fixes that.

  28. Skater I know devhook emulates the firmware I'm not an idiot, anyway can someone please convert these 3 mp3's to at3 PLEASE!

  29. Morgan said...
    Hey does anyone here make .AT3's? If I got two mp3 files I would liek converted to .AT3 but for some reason it won't work. I downloaded the Atrac3 codec and then got GoldWave. It's just that after saving it as a .wav and making the attributes the Atrac3, when I save it to my desktop and rename it, it still says it's a wav file. I have put .at3 after renaming it but it still says it's a .wav file. Can someone help me and convert these 2 mp3's for me PLEASE?

    2:49 PM

    *Next time Wally I suggest you read*

  30. Guys I search and try stuff I don't just stare at it and then post, someone help me! When I need help it's because there's a problem and it does actually need help from someone else. Now if anyone is willing to help me, tell me.

  31. I know what this board is about and I'm trying to make some at3's for daedalus you clown so mind your own business.

  32. My problem with sonicstage is that I go to Tools then Convert Format, I convert the format to Atrac3. Then I'll transfer to PSP, and rename the file to "SND0.AT3", but when I go to PSP Brew it doesn't see the AT3 file. It says under properties that the file is "ATRAC Files". So like I said I need help.

  33. Strmnnrmn, when do you think you will be realeasing R9??? Sorry for getting so impatient.

  34. hehe,...
    hey Morgan? snicker.....
    tonite ima do 3 thigs tonight that uv nrver done before!

    1: go partay with collge girls
    2: get laid
    3:play sum PS2 on ma psp!

    maan il have to agree with N64 lover with this one!
    dood life iz too important to waist
    videogames bro!
    second childhood iz too important also, u should heng out whith friends cuz i know u have sum!

    just trying to let u know bro!

    ( O ) ( O )

    hehe by the way i know whoz making the PS1P emu fer PSP!

  35. Okay guys I'm sorry I've been getting frustrated about these at3's and I siad some stupid shit. Can you forgive me, anyway guys I only come to this website twice a day, I have a life. I was trying to do these at3's but it's not working out so whatever.

  36. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  37. Guys I figured out the problem, I went bakc to using Goldwave and I found out after I made the atrac3 file I had to go into folder options and change the "hide extions" setting or something. It made it so when I changed the ".wav" to ".at3" it actually changes the file type, with that last setting on it didn't do it. So I figured out my problem!, I'll probably post some homebrew packs soon maybe!

  38. Another 5-7 fps would be awesome when playing Mario, and Mario Kart. Maybe in R9 we will even be able to play NFL Blitz!

  39. Yeah NFL Blitz would be sick, go Packers!

  40. I went to the Packers game in Philly last night, and was disappointed by the second half. Anyway though good luck next week, StrmnNrmn I hope you update us soon! Wally your next release will be after R9 right, just hope StrmnNrmn updates us soon on progress and also the upcomming release date.

  41. Hey guys managed to put together 2 custom builds of Daedalus for you. Both versions already using Wally's v1.2 spoof and also featuring backgrounds/icons from Pochi Style. And the music was customly made by me. Enjoy both builds!




  43. Good boy Wally!
    You sure deserve it!
    Well I hope theres an update soon!
    And Take your time Norm!
    ( O ) ( O )

  44. Ryan!
    I have been trying to do that myself but no luck!
    Sry brotha but i cant help you on that one!
    Hey StrmnNrmn, what is that bug that makes it so half of textures show? thanks!
    ( O ) ( O )

  45. No one tried my builds, lol it's cool. Anyway why don't you guys use the PSPWXP portal, it's like having XP on your PSP. Like the WIndows 95 you got what can it do that this portal can't. Is it ACTUALLY like Windows 95?

  46. Morgan!
    It issss Windows 95!
    its awsome!

    ( O ) ( O )

  47. Yeah but what can you do that is so beneficial to having Windows 95 on PSP?

  48. Milo, not sure if your joking or not but if you aren't then please explain to me more to what you want done.

  49. Milo, not sure if your joking or not but if you aren't then please explain to me more to what you want done.

  50. No prob Wally!
    Sry for getting off topic Wally and StrmnNmn

    ( O ) ( O )

  51. Yeah I would never do that milo.

    Wally what's your problem I just posted 2 custom builds for Daedalus and then was talking about the Windows 95 jon, don't be such a tight ass.

    ps. If you ever went to my blog you would notice I don't visit, I have a life I just come here in spare time. I don't want to fight I'm just wondering why I can't get any respect, you act like StrmnNrmn hates me.

  52. I'm not having anything to do with that stupid video, drop it.

  53. Strmnnrmn, when will be the next update or release???

  54. It's just the old blue background with nintendo in white letters and then you hear a chime. Good luck man, hope everything looks good when your done.

  55. R9 is looks amazingly promising with this Pif fix, I know when he updates us he'll have alot of interesting stuff for us. Keep up the great work StrmnNrmn!

  56. Skulz good job, I didn't think you would use the green pochi backgrounds though since I just used them in my custom Daedalus build. I think if you changed those two pochi images you would have an even better looking mod to Daedalus. For those interested in my two builds go check them out here!

    Build #1


    Build #2


  57. I really hope he updates us with new progress soon, I'm getting anxious. I know he'll have some really fun and great stuff to tell us!

  58. Maybe Mario Kart will be full speed!!!

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  60. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  61. Thank you Wally!
    your a good friend!
    StrmnNrmn prolly has a lot done now!

    ( O ) ( O )

  62. StrmnNrmn has been working on his emulator, though with no proof that's not a fact but still I know he has been working on it. He wouldn't just not work on it for this amount of time and say nothing. The longer we wait the better it will be, but to tell you the truth I wouldn't care if he released R9 until November, as long as he would update us frequently. I'd take an update on this blog every 3 days and a release like every month and half or so. If it was like that least we'd be kept fresh on all of Daedalus's details. Anyway I'm going on and on, just keep up the great work StrmnNrmn and I know you'll update us soon!

  63. WOW are you guys in for a real treat tommarow if you like Zelda OOT!
    Wally has fixed the backgrouds in Links house and the Market! and i also got to save too!
    I started a new game and i have been playing with saveing working!
    If you want to save in OOT just save from the menuy then press "SELECT" on the PSP then do it press select again to make sure it worked, THEN... In the Daedalus menu press triangle to go back to rom select then load up Zelda OOT again! then there you have it!

    ( O ) ( O )

  64. Wally you talkin about the v1.3 jon, if so I thought that wasn't till R9?

  65. Maaan I hope he is okay...
    well StrmnNrmn you are a god!
    BTW Wally hows your progress going bro?
    And StrmnNrmn I just want to thank you for having my dream cum true by making Zelda64 PLAYABLE!!!! on my PSP on the go!
    Thank you maaan you are my hero!

    ( O ) ( O )

  66. Hey StrmnNmn I have an idea for a sort of speed increase...
    I was thinking that you could do what Zx-81 did for his GBA emulator and add a function that lets you cut off part of the screen to give more FPS.
    in Mario Kart you could cut off the top part of of the screen cuz you dont "really" need to know the place your in, the item u have, and/or the sky, so you can just cut it off to increase framerate! Also in zelda you can cut off part of the sides or something because zelda is "I think" A game people like to play so it would go faster!

    just a suggestion bro.

    Wally I think you could be able to answer this because StrmnNrmn is away...

    ( O ) ( O )

  67. Okayp!
    Thank you Wally.

    ( O ) ( O )

  68. StrmnNrmn doesn't have to use little tricks to improve framerate, just give him his time like I'm doing now and you'll see what happens to the framerate. StrmnNrmn is an excellent coder, don't worry he'll take care of the framerate.

  69. hey StrmnNrmn, I'm not asking for an update to the emulator, or even news about a new fix you might have found, all I want to hear is something like "I'm still alive". Sorry, it's just that I'm worried since you haven't posted in a while. Anyways, if you've been working on the emulator then, keep up the good work! Although it might not seem like it at times, we really appreciate the work and effort your put into this project.

  70. All I said was "Ok", there is no problem I simply didn't care. But it's cool.

  71. Geez guys, calm down... Before GPSP v0.8 there was no news for a bit... calm down... Would you rather he:

    a) Waste time reading this blog everyday and answering every1's questions
    b) Spend that time coding Daedalus?

  72. HAHAHAHA! Thedeman goood boy!!
    now theres someone that I can relate to!
    lol yeh get laid er sumfen u guys!
    Btw StrmnNrmn I just got Deadrising for 360 too an tits awsume!!!

    ( O ) ( O )

  73. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  74. nahh omg its just i like breasts okayp.
    um i guess im sorry if i have offended someone. but yeh i post alot but it is when im on my lunch break at school or someting. but i am no hipoclit and yes having a gf is nothing to brag about.
    theres just soo much bitching n whining crap like that , i just want to jump n too u know? its no worse than what every body else is doing here.

  75. Jesus Christ...

    Let's look at this in comparison. When was the last time SNES TYL was updated? Long before this...

    People have lives, ya know? Shit happens, family members die, you get new job, you get married, shit like that...

    You can't expect someone to sit behind a keyboard all day, read his blog, and code an emulator FOR FREE... He has a job ya know...

    Just cool down, and wait for the next version... And if you are that impatient, pick up some C++ books, and get reading, and fix it up yourself... Or pick up a copy of Playboy... Whatever seems more interesting to you..

    Moral of the story: BE PATIENT.

  76. People like the man said be patient stop posting! (sorry I have to be a hypocrit)

  77. know what, i bet when the next one comes out, i'm going to be like, "HOLY SHIT THIS IS AWESOME." strmnrmn is a good coder, i'm anxious and getting more and more curious. i can't wait. i know he uses his time beyond his computer

  78. Ryan go to dcemu and find wally's v1.2 spiff up. No speed increase but alot of graphic fixes.

  79. okie Ryan...
    I have found out how to save On Zelda!

    1-just play the game

    2-when u want to save press start and save the game

    3-when the saving is finished and your back in the game press select press it again so yer back in the game, then press it 1 more time(total of 3 times)

    4-then press triangle to go back to the emulator menu

    5-then load Zelda again.

    note: you will know that it works cuz when u load Zelda the second time the Mem stick will flash fer about 10 sex!

    I hope tit helped!

  80. So did my little tutorial help guyz?
    I hope tit did!
    or do you need further instructions
    if you do just go to Dc emu n PM yer email to me n il guied you through it!

  81. I am starting to lose faith, like if he was okay wouldn't he at least post something. I just hope he's okay.

  82. I'm still confident StrmnNrmn is working on Daedalus and I'm hyped up to the max of the thoughts of what he's got done in 2 months. I do just wish he would update us with something though, at least saying he's alright. None the less though I'll be waiting patiently!

  83. Thanks Wally for checking up on him, hope he posts when he can to tell us what he's up to.

  84. Oh R9 is gonna be somethin serious, I know that already.

  85. Please die... now... What's the point of spamming crap ass links?

  86. Yeh same bro!
    buuut il give it till cristmas.

  87. RyanMWolfe, so when did you become strmnnrmn? I seriously doubt that he would leave during a big update like this... Have you heard from SNESTYL coders in a while? Nope, a couple months back, they announced they would make one last final version... But no news! Does it mean its dead? Not yet.

    Grow up... And in case you guys didn't realize, its open source... Meaning, people can pick up this project to work on whenever they want...

    People have lives you know, unlike half you guys here... Why not spent the time learning C and then coding this emulator instead of sitting around bitching because you have no patience?

  88. I agree please StrmnNrmn just take 2 minutes and at least tell us your alright, I respeect your work and amire it. Without Daedalus and looking forward to trusty StrmnNrmn to give an update, the psp scene just feels empty. Please StrmnNrmn just tell us your alright, please.

  89. Why would you say that stupid shit, stop being negative. People don't just give up when it's thriving and then don't say ANYTHING. StrmnNrmn is a respectable guy from what I've seen he would at least say goodbye, I do wish he would update though. StrmnNrmn I know your probably reading this, please man just say something!

  90. LOL i can still feel the love.
    god u guys really need patientce lol
    if i was coding something and just got bored of it i would also want a looong break!
    its good hez taking a break too.
    hopefully i dont upset anyone.

  91. obviously strmnnrmn, has taken a break and now he is working on getting the dynamic recompiler totaly finished and working on ways to touch up the code to gain speed, as eell as the PIF fixes, this is probably going to be the last release, its most likely hes waiting untill christmas, it will most likely be full speed on most games, then he will work on sound for V1.

  92. LOL I got a wii n Zelda is the BEST!!!!!!!!
    even better than OOT!

  93. You're not dead, are you? I hope not. :(

  94. Hey guys on a lighter note this PSX-P v2 is nice I made a backup ISO of my RE2 and it runs alright! Check it out!

  95. Wow you guys are real mature, in a way I'm glad StrmnNrmn hasn't responded. I wouldn't want to if I had idiots posting like this on my blog.

  96. I have had many problems with my internet connection and other family problems in the past few weeks, but I am still hoping to release a new Daedalus by the end of the year which will have great speed improvements.

  97. Any links to supports these rumors?

  98. No I'm sure if it was really him he would have made a new topic talking about why he was gone, not just saying a quick sentence in the comments.

  99. Where is he? Its been a while, and rthought he would be here now.

  100. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  101. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  102. There's a retard born everyday.

  103. it took me one second.... its called the "End" Key on the Keyboard

  104. Strmnrmn please come back! PLEASE, it would be awesome! Merry X-mas!

  105. Support and Best Wishes for your homebrew project.


  107. Thank you for your acheivment. Even if you don't update anymore it's okay. I personally wouldn't have time to do what you have done anyway so I think that it is great that you put so much effort into bringing the n64 to psp owners everywhere. Whether you hear this or not it is important for me to tell you that you have done enough. I hope others have not discouraged you in your progress if that is the reason you have not updated, or if it's just to keep the project secret. So if you are deciding to continue then good for you, it's something you enjoy doing. But if you're not then I guess it's for the best. Thank you strmnnrmn.

  108. Yo dude: the work you're doinn' is great, I´m just waiting to play mariokart and Zelda with my PSP.... simply amazing, and if we can play online, even better!

    Keep up the good work,and thanx a lot for bringing back to life this emulator. Cheers mate :)
