Sunday, July 23, 2006

A productive weekend

I've had a fairly productive weekend. I've been working on a few improvements on the dynamic recompiler, and I've managed to both decrease the amount of memory it's using (by approximately 10-12%), and increase the emulator's speed (by around 7-10%).

I don't want to get into too many details just yet, as I'm planning on putting together a more detailed post with all the gory details (and a few graphs :) later in the week.

In a related change, I've also managed to identify and fix an issue (read 'bug') with the dynarec that may have been causing stability problems on v1.0 firmware PSPs. This may explain some of the differences in stability users of the different builds have been seeing.



  1. 10% in 5 days wow you are amazing a few more weekends and we might have full speed mario..iluv you man.

  2. I was just wondering if you think you will get the emulator to go 50%-70% by the time that R7 is released? Oh, and when do you think you will be releasing R7 (3weeks) ? Can't wait to play Mario Kart with R7!

  3. Great news so far StrmnNrmn, I'm still testing roms for you so I'll give you some updates soon! But I was wondering hear from Donkey lately, I mean R6 came out and I don't see a R6 Donkey version. Of course it woul be easy decrative stuff that I can do myself I was just thinking we haven't seen him in a while. Anyway keep up the good work and I can't wait for the next update later in the week!

  4. zen, morgan, and for anyone else who is curious, I am currently working on increasing the speed of the core of the emulator. The reason why some games don't work as well as the R5 version did is because there are a few bugs in the updated dynamic recompiler in R6. These bugs should be ironed out by the R7 release as Strmnnrmn is currently working on that part of the emualtor.
    Regarding the "Donkey style" that some people are refering to in the R5 remix version that I did, you can grab the eboot sound, icon, and backgraound from the previous version I made and add them into this or any new version that you would like. You can also do that for the in game menus that I made in the previous version. The in game menus I made can be found in the Resources folder and you can add them into the new resources folder in R6. But regarding the in-game menu music, you would have to recompile my mp3 code that I added in the source of the R5 remix version. PLus you would have to alter several files in the R6 version in order for my mp3 code to work so that you can have custom in-game menu music. It is not a simple task so most people here will just have to live without the in-game menu music for now unless they can grab my mp3 source code from the R5 version and view all the altered files I made and try to implement that into the new version. Maybe if I have time, I might do it for everyone in the next revision that comes out.

  5. n64-lover, shut the fuck up. StrmnNrmn himself recognises Donkey as a talented coder. Donkey has even provided coding tutorials over at Stop talking out of ur ass and grow up.


  6. StrmnNrmn I was wondering since I get pretty great tests with roms that maybe I could do some private testing for you? Like actually join the team, take on some responsibilities so that I could actually contribute too Daedalus. I mean you saw my screen shots I posted here of playing the first mission in Starfox 64 so you know I'm getting good tests. I know alot of about the topic and I'm not some idiot trying to get attention. I just feel kind of useless here not being able to help you. So what do you say can I become like a tester for you while you work on building the actual emulator. Please maybe we can talk in an email,

    Thanks and keep up the amazing work!

  7. Can't wait to here your post about the Glory details and graphs you said you were going to post later in the week! :) I know they'll make me happy!

  8. "Secondly - Tried to contribute to daedalus then make UltraHLE for PSP which simply cant be ported as its mostly ASM"

    Zombi146 was making UltraHLE. You should read some more before looking like a jackass.

    "Finally - He claims to be making improvements to daedalus when nothing changes."
    Donkey's R5 seemed to be slightly faster when tested on the eloader.

    "PSdonkey is just a credit scammer.."
    Re-read his posts whenever he releases something...

    Seems to me that you have a reading problem...

  9. StrmnNrmn I was wondering if you have got any other work done?.

  10. Anyone have StrmnNrmn's email?


    There's my starfox 64 mission 1 screenshots. The first level plays pretty fast, faster than training mode surprisingly. Like gettting to the mission 1 gameplay took a while but it was quick until it froze. Near the end I was getting a 10 FPS and you see that in my last screenshot. I got further than my screenshots go but for the overall it played nice. I'm sure I was the first to be able to do this since I haven't seen anyone else be able to play the first level of starfox 64. Man that would be kind of crazy, me being the first person ever to play starfox 64 mission 1 on a psp! Well anyway I'm going to go test some more roms!

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  15. Can you please update on how much faster you have gotten it, from your last post, StrmnNrmn. Is Mario Kart going any faster?

  16. Calm down I'm sure StrmnNrmn is busy working or working on Daedalus now. Be patient, and be respectful, I mean no offense but come on.
