Thursday, June 22, 2006

Source code rant - update

I was going to post these responses on the comments page, but I was worried that they'd get buried and I have a few important points to make.

From laxer3a:
Now you start to see why the TYL emu source was released shifted by one version from the bin. :-)

I was thinking about doing this, but it's important that people are able to tinker with the source as they please. I usually only ever have the time to refresh the CVS depot when I release anyway, but if other people get involved in the project then this will need to happen more regularly.

gregnoid wrote:
Naa, this pre-release is just a fake !
Becaus PspMonkey had not compiled this.

I need to make it clear I was ranting about PSdonkey, not PSmonkey. I have a lot of respect for PSmonkey and I wouldn't want people to think I was criticising him. It's unfortunate that so many people confuse the two names. Remember: donkey = large four-legged member of the horse family (likes hay, sombreros etc). Monkey = amusing, cheeky primate (likes bananas, mischief, etc) :)

psdonkey said:
About the pre R5 build that I made. Yes I did change a couple of minor things in the source code and things seemed to run a tad bit better. However, after reviewing your updated R5 release, none of the changes that I made in the other build had any effect in this new R5 build that you released. In fact most of what I did was clean up some of the excess code and I can see that you already did this in your R5 release.

I appreciate you clearing up the situation and making your source available - thanks for doing this. I really wasn't expecting to see this happen, so accept my apologies for the criticism I levied in my previous post. I had a bit of a Hulk rage going on and it wasn't really justified.

You make a really good point about having a shared directory for roms between Daedalus and Monkey64 - I'll look at rolling this change into the next official release (R6). If you're really keen on helping contribute to Daedalus then I think you should drop me an email and we can talk about the possibility adding you as a contributor on sourceforge.



  1. lol, u typoed ur own name...Anyway, i just have a question about R5. Gex 64 finally works, but when u step on a tv button nothing happens, but his mouth is bobbing, and mouth moving... So y doesnt anything happen? Just curious

  2. I think StrmnNrmn and PSdonkey should work together on this. I think they would have alot to offer each other and can make this emulator even better. Good luck PSdonkey and StrmnNrmn

  3. Sorry Wally, I just have been very busy and I haven't checked that email in awhile. I just checked and I didn't see anything from you, maybe it got deleted somehow. If you want, you can either resend the email or send me a pm over at in the fourm section.

    StrmnNrmn, I'd be glad to help you out in any way that I can. I already went a little deeper into your source code and added a couple of new features to your R5 build. I will upload the new build and source code to your email address in a bit and if you want to keep the changes, you can add them into your R6 build.

    For everyone else who wishes to learn to code in C++ and hope to make your own games or applications for the PSP, I went ahead and wrote up an easy to learn tutorial on programming in C++. For those who are interested, goto this link at

  4. Well the email I sent you StrmnNrmn came back. I guess I have the wrong email address for you. This is the email address that I found for you at

    If you could let me know what email address you would like me to send the R5 changes and updated source code then I'll do it right away. Or if you would like, you can email me at
    and I will respond back to you. Thanks.

    goatbutt, any and all videos that I have made are real. I did not make anything or any claims up. I have my reasons for not releasing anything as of now. There is no need to make negative comments on StrmnNrmn's blog.
    As for being on StrmnNrmn's team, I believe that StrmnNrmn is doing an excellent job on his own. I am just giving him some new ideas just like everyone else here who supports him is doing.

  5. Donkey could you give a link to the new changes? I would love to see what you have made. What kind of like changes did you make though decrative, graphics, speed, etc.? Please StrmnNrmn allow Donkey's changes be released with your permission of course. It would be better for overall progress of N64 emulation.

  6. so when can we expect your emulator to be released, psdonkey? It would be great to show these as$holes up

  7. PSDonkey please answer my question!

  8. Stop picking on psdonkey. If anyhting, he is trying to help out StrmnNrmn and the PSP community by enhancing Daedalus. He has already contributed to the PSP community by writing a very good tutorial on C++ lessons over at the fourms. I thought that C++ coding was going to be too difficult for me but reading his lessons and codes, I have already made a few simple programs in C++. Let the guy help out StrmnNrmn if he wants. Once I get better at C++, I want to try to help out StrmnNrmn to.

  9. PSdonkey doesn't owe anything to anyone. Neither does StrmnNrmn. These coders give their time to make homebrew for everyone without asking for anything in return. If StrmnNrmn wants PSdonkey to help him out with his next release, then let him. Neither of these two owe you guys anything nor does any coder owe anybody anything. Just appriciate the work these guys do for you and stop complaining about anything.

  10. "Finally to those of you who haven't followed this sorry tale in full since PSDonkey's first posts on the PSP scene and especially to those posting here in support of him (if in fact they are genuine posters), without proof there is nothing, his reputation is already sullied by his previous unsubstanciated claims. He could even be a nice guy (As claimed) but the trouble he has caused has been great.
    Show me an Ultimate64 release or the sourcecode and not more BS and I'll show you a convert to the cause."

    I've been in the psp community since the beginning of US release, and know all about PSDonkey and previous actions. All I can say to the flamers is GROW THE F**K UP. Stop flaming coders, we owe you NOTHING. Time and time again he has proven he CAN CODE extremely well. As A coder myself it gets extremely annoying to see good coders flamed.

    Oh and if you don't believe I'm a coder, google X_JesusOfSuburbia_X and PSP. I'm sure you'll find something...

  11. You are the only one making drama tsurumaru. Just respect all coders alike and be appriciative that you have homebrew because of them on your PSP. If you think you can do better, then do it and stop complaining

  12. wally: PSmonkey actually suggested the shared dir idea to me on MSN before his first release, so I think he deserves some credit for that one :)
    I'll add an option to permenently display the fps in the next release (assuming I don't forget!)
    I'm not sure why the screenshot feature is broken - it's quite possible it's running out of memory and crashing. I'll look into it.

    disturbd1: Unfortunately it could be any number of things - until I get a spare day to sit down and investigate a specific rom it's very hard to make fixes for things like this. It'll get there, but it will take time :(

    tsurumaru: That's a great idea. I was thinking about posting with a general 'roadmap' of features I want to work on and the order I want to tackle them in. I don't want accidentally lead people to believe the emulator is going to be perfect in a few weeks just because there's been some rapid progress early on.
    Not sure second gear was located on Sunday - I suspect I heard the sound of gears grinding painfully at one point :)

  13. I'm closing comments on this post now, as I'd rather the PSdonkey debate didn't ramble on forever. Cheers!
