Monday, December 24, 2007

Yuletide Update

It's been a while since the last update so I wanted to give some news on how things are going with work towards the next release.

I've spent a lot of time working on getting the HLE audio code working on the Media Engine. I've been making steady progress, but it's been taking longer than I initially expected. Fortunately, I'm very close to getting all of the audio processing moved over to the ME - in fact I believe I have just one significant bug left to fix.

The issue seems to be a very odd synchronisation bug which causes the emulator to lock up when running the audio processing asynchronously. As with many of these types of bugs, it's proving quite hard to track down because as soon as I change the code to debug the problem, the issue goes away. A true Heisenbug :(

What's particularly annoying is that the bug is stopping me from measuring how much of a difference running the audio code on the ME makes. Hopefully I'll be able to fix the bug over the Christmas break and be able to publish some timings over the new year.

As part of this work, I've also been writing a general-purpose 'job manager', which coordinates batches of work between the main CPU and the ME. The idea is to build on top of J.F.'s MediaEngine.prx to provide a simple interface for queing up and dispatching work asynchronously. When a job is added to the queue, a flag indicates whether the job is suitable for running on the ME, or whether it should just be run asynchronously on the main CPU instead.

Initially just the audio processing will run through the job manager on the ME, but eventually it should be possible run other pieces of work asynchronously too. I'm hoping that it will eventually be possible to move parts of the HLE graphics processing to run asynchronously too, but I need to investigate things a bit more first. That's a job for future releases however.

Anyway, that's all for now. I'm off to eat mince pies and watch The Great Escape on tv. Merry Christmas everyone :)



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Nico said...

Hope to hear a lot from you on 2008!!

Merry Christmas and thanks for the updates!

mbeck said...

Thanks for the update! It's always nice to hear from you:)
Merry Christmas!

RedViper747 said...

You continually impress me with your extensive knowledge of the PSP operating system, and your knowledge of how the N64 works in general.

It has been very cool to learn so much about the underlying workings of the N64.

Keep it up in 2008!
We're rooting for ya!

Anonymous said...

yey an update thnx StrmnNrmn

i knew u would befi=ore christmas thanx again

Anonymous said...

sounds pretty cool so far =)

the only problem is, i full bricked my psp trying to update from 3.52 m33-4 to 3.71 m33.
i'm saving up to get a pandora unbricker off of ebay. i have a question. with pandora, to unbrick it, do you have to downgrade? becuz i don't want to go back to 1.5.


Unknown said...

Thank you for the update, StrmnNrmn. Looking forward to future updates and revisions.

Have a great Christmas!

God jul! :D

Jody said...

go enjoy your Xmas break. I wouldn't feel like working an some emulator over eating pies either. I've been playing lots of CSOs on my PSP to keep me busy waiting for R14. That bug sounds like you need to kill it with "Bengal-for emulators". I'll buy some for you, for Christmas, if it exists.

Jody said...

Devin: The pandora unbricks the PSP and forces it to 1.5. from their you can get your @$$ down to...I mean UP TO 3.52 M33-4. It's either start over or take the brick. I bricked my PSP and it stayed bricked for 2 months, bought the batt from ebay and their I went. I'm at 3.52 M33-4. I hate 3.71 M33. too many bugs

Morgan said...

Devin it's Christmas so I thought I'd be nice and help you out, if you can access the RECOVERY menu with your bricked PSP then I can downgrade you. Just download this file and follow the EASY steps in the readme, it'll work for you if your on a bricked 3.71 M33.

Anonymous said...

thx guys

I love your work said...

Merry Christmas and thanks for the updates strmnnrmn !! It sounds good !
Can you please respond to my e-mail?


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Strmnnrmn,

Hope Santa brought everything you wanted.

Jaimehackermapsp please visit the tracker if you have an enquiry / feature to make


Unknown said...

merry xmas strmn!

hope you will find the bug.
and hope you can move over some of the graphic stuff to the ME. perhaps to R15 :D

many thanx for updating!

god jul :)

Unknown said...

Heyyy strmnnrmn have a break and dont work in this holidays.. you deserve it...
You are doing a great job..

Cheers from Mexico

GmDude66 said...

Merry (late) Christmas man!

Kepp up the good work on R14.

I hope you can nail that bug.

Ocodar said...

is beautifull . You are the best.

Ocodar said...

The progrma is beautifull, You are the best!!!

michaelp said...

You are an N64 god.
Merry Christmas, and go Strmnnrmn!

Jody said...

Happy New Years.

Anonymous said...

happy new year and hope you had a wonderful christmas

dee.B said...

I'm a fan of your work!

I wish you every best esp. on daedalus! :)

Unknown said...

hi! i´m playing Zelda: Ocarina of time, and i´m in forest temple....but every time i get in the main room, the emulator reset, i had to save every time, and change the setings to a basic state (without all the renderizations, frameskip, etc), and the it works....
there is another way to fix this?
i stopped to play because the game got so slow...

Jody said...

On Zelda:OOT, I only got to Goron City. It took me a while to get that far because of the game speed. It has a lot of freezing bugs in it but I tried. I'll continue my adventure in R14.

Unknown said...

Any news on this Heisenbug or anything else to do with R14? I'm no trying to rush you or anything I was just curious how it was going?

Anonymous said...

Are you still alive?

Anonymous said...

i think he is dead lol na i hope not.
we need an n64 emu lol il cry if you die lol hope the emu is coming on good so far cant wait for te releas.

please do an updeate please

ShadowSeeker said...

i think many are starting to worry what has happen to you lol jk
but an update as to what has happened
would put our minds at ease.
reat work on everything though no rush or anything
just a concerned daedalus user

Unknown said...

Is that normal that some time some roms hang up the whole console?

Or that i cant exit to main menu&

RhinoGearz said...

All right, I can't wait for the Media Engine! I hope it will make a big difference when emulating sound.

buu said...

is strmn dead D:?

gregerson316 said...

Its been almost a month since any word on whats going on. I just hope that your too busy coding the emu, lol. Hope to hear from ya soon. It would be even better to see a DL soon, but no rush, make it good.

Jody said...

has Daedalus gone DEADalus??

linkinkid said...

i think everyone is starting to whoever reads this....can you please give us an update,or inform us about the status of the project?i know strmnNrmn is working hard to give us a perfect n64 emulator,but i would like for hime to give us some info at least every 10 days.i dont know if i'm asking for any case StrmnNrmn you rock and daedalus r14 is going to be awesome...right?

Unknown said...

I think he could use a good month off, i don't mind waiting, i can wait another month for it.

If we had money in this then i'd be cracking the whip ;-)

Good luck

Anonymous said...

Update please? :(

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

HINT: Valentine's Day is February -14-

jesus said...

He Lives!

"Comment deleted
This post has been removed by the author.
Thu Jan 24, 08:11:00 AM GMT"

Metalsnake4 said...

lol guys he haves his own life 2. how would you like it if you had keep producing emulaters better evertime, for the demands of the consumers. i mean i know he does it cause hes cool like that, but come on he wont feel like worken on it every single day. and besides i think the more we keep whining the longer will have to wait. Strmrnm take your time, there is no rush man. i appriciate everything you have done for the psp scene.

winston gell said...

StrmmnNrmn can take any amount of time that he wants off,after all he is the developer.what i would like is for him to at least tell us something like:i'm taking a break,or i'll put the project on hold for a few days.everybody loves and appreciates strmnNrmn for his hardwork,but we would just like some information to know the status of daedalus r14.

NathanFX said...

Thanks for the update! You're truly amazing. The only thing that irritates me is how buggy Majora's Mask still is...

winston gell said...

dude what update?

Anonymous said...

Hey what up. (lol you'll probably never read this )
This has been on my mind for awhile..... now and was thinking about project 64 and daedalus related. Well let me get to the point, like me and quite a few others in the world do not bother to bring along their psp for out door use (I only see people use it during school back when I was in middle school to get threw classes like ***?) Anyways yeah so my GFX card sucks so much that it can only manage to let me play pj64 on my pc for either a few seconds or a few minutes depending on the area and textures loaded. Btw I use Via/S3g unichromell graphics.... skipping on
Mainly I really want to play zelda on my pc/psp

Yeah so I was wondering if it was possible and if you could also create it where you can use your pc to direct the textures/images loaded up to let you see what your are doing onto the psp and still allow you to use wificontroller to run your guy around at the same time. I believe using your pc as a station for n64 would allow the n64 on psp to run fullspeed as we all know it would (but of course no one as made it cause pj64) Also if their is only one pc in your house hold and don't want to hog it using pj64 just like run the app and it should allow you to play?
(no don't consider the idea of displaying what is on your pc to your psp, that will display the graphical issues appearing)

Think you can create it StrrmmmNrrmm

mbeck said...

To the guy above: why would you want to have to sit in front of your computer to play an emulator on a PORTABLE system? Just get an emu for your PC & maybe upgrade your graphics card. They aren't THAT expensive.
To StrmnNrmn: Take as long as you have to in order to get r14 up to your standards. Please let us know how you're doing, though. It's a little unsettling when such a long time goes by without an update from you. Thanks!

Magic said...

is it possibal to make a N64 emu on DS? hahaha jk jk,even thou that would be pretty raw, but anyway keep up the good work, man i just love seeing how far this emulater came, it only ran like 0.2 FPS when first released, but now, some roms are near perfect, soon enough this thing is goiong to run perfect. dude your an amazing coder keep up the good work, i give you mad props =]

winston gell said...

i agree with mbeck.strmnNrmn you are an awesome coder and everyone appreciates your hard work, just take it easy and no pressure ;) the only thing that i would like is to have an update since we haven't heard anything from you since 2007....anyways daedalus is awesome so i hope you continue the project

Unknown said...

Hi Strmnnrmn, any news?

Great emu! Thx for the hard work!

edyguy said...

cant wait the new design looks realy clear! =) . o0o and i tryed to download conkers bad fur day on psp but it locks up as soon as you start it.... im hopeing it will work on r14... or some one will just make a rom that plays the mult. player games on it since those are realy fun to play and never get old. im also looking forword to the adio being good enough to listen to, because on super smash bros the adio slows down the game, and sounds like some one crumbling a plastice bag... and of cource im looking forword to some of the graphical glitches to be fixed.
happy 2008 every one =)

Miles Prower said...

Thanks for your hard work!

Do you think it would be possible to port Daedalus on other systems thant PSP ? I'm thinking of the Asus Eee PC (running the default Xandros Linux OS) - it would really be awesome to have an "lightweight" N64 emulator for such systems.

Unknown said...

Good Luck with R14 Progress StrmnNrmn, was just hoping for an update soon, if only a little one, and also will R14 support the psp slim?

Anonymous said...

lol mbeck
I'm hoping that daedalus gets fixed up 100% this year xD, lol I don't mind how long it takes to do it but yeah using wifi to play daedalus (or get it running faster) could be a nice idea when your at home with your psp and got nothing to do :).

Livestrong4815 said...

StrmnNrmn please give us an update, a few of us are freaking out, or fearful you got hit by a car or something.

Please Just Let Us Know Whats Going On

michael88601 said...

Thank you for all your work on daedalus it is a huge contribution to the homebrew community and to everyone that may be reading this that is not StrmnNrmn i'm sure it would make developing the emulator way easier if you didn't freak out every time their isn't a weekly update.

Unknown said...

yeah, i agree with michael88601! it will take the time it takes. plz dont rush anything strmn. take your time and let it be released when you think it is done! hopefully mario 64 will be fully playable in R14. if the sound wont slow the emulator down many other games will be almost perfect as well.

hopefully R14 will be as fantastic as im dreaming of =)

many thanx for your work so far strmn!

Unknown said...

Thank for all what you make strum !
Good luck for r14

Unknown said...

i hope ur alright haven't heard from you in a while people are getting worried

Anonymous said...

Expectations are getting high, maybe an update is in order to level things out, the longer you take the more we are expecting some uber release with a 10fps boost :P

Unknown said...

Not rushing to make the emulator of the best quality is fine, but for christ's sake, let us know that you're still alive!

dee.B said...

StrmnNrmn - can you tell us if you're okay? =/

Rikki-Tikki-Tavi said...

Contrary to the ones before me, I'm not worried, that you're gone for good, since you've been updating the blog irregularily before. But an update would be nice...

Unknown said...

I have high expectations of R14 because of the time it has taken, so take as much as you need,and I think you might be able to create a good Gamecube emu for the pc!Just something you might want to consider!

Anonymous said...

hey =D, i was wondering...

Strmn, do u have facebook? i would love to add u as a friend on facebook. my name is Devin Robertson. by the way, i love daedalus. i use it all the time =D
good luck on R14 =D


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

@ Mitchell
Dude, there won't be a GCN emu for a long time. Think of the complication present just trying to emulate the N64. The difficulty in programming a GCN emu would increase exponentially: the GCN runs on a 485 Mhz processor, compared with the >95 Mhz that the N64 utilizes.
Holy crap dude. You're amazing. I really hope you didn't have a heart attack or something. Sporadic increases in performance are fine...just let us know you're okay...!

Kdo said...

Anyone heard again about Strnmrmn since his last appearance on earth, before his going to eat a pie ?

Hope the pie didn't win ...

jerry said...

Must be a great Pie!


I hope you're doing great. Hopefully we hear from you soon. take care! :D

mbeck said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
baboon said...
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baboon said...

Looking forward to the next instalment of PSP N64!

If you haven’t had time to do any hobby coding with daedalus (which is understandable seeing as you have a full time job) then thats fine. A small update to say your ok would be ideal though Strmnnrmn as its been a wee while since we’ve heard from you.

...but I guess you are fine as you seem to be moderating this site and deleting all the muppets inappropriate comments. lol

Good luck any way.

Cheers chap. :)

pspfien said...

Hey....just want thank you for the magical feeling daedalus produces deep within my heart!......Thanks StrmnNrmn

paradax said...

We can see that strmnnrnm have not leave any comment since 24 december

I hope he 's not dead because he take too more alcool when he come back to his house ..

Plz strmnnrnm leave only 1 comment

buu said...

i think he likes the attention of people saying leave a comment and ect. im not checking this blog untill3 months from now..if i see no post that means daedalus is dead.

im sorry for this mean comment but its da truth

ps3-22 said...

yo billy, he haves his own life, duh. anyway i was thinking of something very cool, and it might work, what if i downloaded daedlus, and instead of putting it on psp, what if i put that folder like on a R4 for the DS? do you think that would work? sorry to kinda get of topic but i kinda wanna try it just for the heck of it. what do you guys think about this? you think it will work?

Rodrigo Cardoso said...


did you live in the R8 ~R9 era??? =D
there was months and months and months..............

be patient ;-)

Rikki-Tikki-Tavi said...

Even if it was the truth, which it isn't. Shut up about it. Strmn_Nrmn is NOT an attention whore.
Motivation is always good, but the man's been working for many great projects. He doesn't need us to point out he's ingenious.
When he doesn't update, that means, he's got something more fulfiling to do right now, and we should be happy for him.

Nico said...

i'm with you Rodrigo :)

I still remember that period with no updates, people getting nervous and everyone telling the project was dead...

Be patient! Some people forget this project is built in StrmnNrmn's spare time and anyone is free to spend it however they like, don't you think? So be thankful for the time invested.

Only thing you can do is wait :) Keep it up!

paradax said...
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paradax said...

okay equisuany

but look strmnnrmn wrote at least one news per month and here there is few less than 2 months

PS : Sorry for my poor english I'm french

mbeck said...

To PS3-22,
I don't think that would work, just because daedalus is programmed to run on PSP's hardware &, therefore, the DS wouldn't necessarily have the hardware components daedalus was programmed to use. I don't know this for sure, though, so you might want to try it out anyway. Good luck & let us know how it goes!

Unknown said...

this project is dead strmm doesnt give a shit

gregerson316 said...

@ Iceman
I dont like your attitude. If he gave up, he wouldnt have made an update about any type of R14, this site wouldnt still be up, and he wouldnt be deleting peoples posts. He is working on it. I bet its going to be an awesome update.

Framework said...

I have an Idea to get Paper Mario running. If you can boot up a save after you write the name you want in the game then it might work.The save could probably have the name Mario cuz no one will care. Problem is...Where can i find a Paper Mario .sav?

Unknown said...

The psp uses a different processor then the DS and also has the media engine which helps when trying to play sound. Not to mention that the DS only has one third the processing power of the PSP.

Unknown said...

He isn't removing people's posts. The authors are removing them themselves. However, I completely agree. Iceman is simply trying to get a rise out of irritable (if level headed) blog-goers. Don't give him the satisfaction; he's common flamebait scum.

bloodyliver said...

I heard from somebody close to strmnnrm that r14 is going to come out sometime in mid july. I guess the audio unsampling code is proving to be a pain in the a#$. This sucks,but its better late than never. I guess we should all be prepared to wait and quit blowing up strmn blog with all of this speculation on the next release, because I am 99% sure that r14 is not going to be out untill july providing that strmn continues to work at pace that he is now. I guess the good news is that we will have sound!!!! This is much worth the wait for me! I cant wait to have sound playing mario 64. I dont even care about combatibility. If you ask me, mario is the only N64 game that is worth anything. I also heard that zelda will never be possible on Daedalus. I guess the the graffics take up to much ram and the game will never run full speed without a severe reduction in the graffics. When the PS2 comes out, this may be possible. I know this is bad news for some of you, but zelda pretty much sucked, if you think about it. Well I hope that the news I bring dosent upset anyone too much, but Im sure it will for some of you. If you are waiting for r14, thinking its is going to be much better than r13, you better think again. There is going to be minimal improvment, but like I said earlier, This is awesome! we are going to finally have sound playing Mario...AHH..YAH..WAHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

bloodyliver said...

I said ps2 up there........but I mean PSP2...LOL

maxpboy said...


Dude where did you here this? I hope this is not true.

Unknown said...

TO bloodyliver :


SolarFlare said...

Ps3-22, The r4 can't boot the Daedalus EBOOT. R4 runs on clean .nds binaries, while the PSP runs on EBOOTS. The r4 can't even play GBA without the Slot-2 expansion piece. N64 on DS will never happen (I wish it could too). DS can't even run SNES perfectly.

SolarFlare said...

Hey Strmn, please don't be dead. That would really suck (one becuase you'd be dead, and two cause that would mean no more Daedalus). Keep up the good work, and don't listen to the people who say your emulator sucks. Daedalus is the reason I bought my PSP (sooooooo worth it!).

Anonymous said...

*awaits strmnnrmns return*

I thought I was going to be able to deal with you people in this blog, im guessing its nothing like the bug tracker either :)

Nico said...

@ Paradax

I don't know how long you've been following this project, but from september 2006 to february 2007 there were no updates. After that he started updating more oftenly and improved Deadalus to the point it is right now.

So, once again, the only thing i say is that we have to wait patiently


paradax said...

okay thx for reply :)

Unknown said...

i hope he's still working on this...becouse he aint replying in comments as well...

Unknown said...

Because unlike a lot of us, Stmn has a life.

Dan4o2 said...

You can have a life and post something once a day...

Unknown said...

Or month...

Anonymous said...

xD I usually come check out his blogspot every week or so hoping he releases r14 which lets me play Zelda and Turok perfect and castlevania... lol

Oh well I don't blame him for not posting though, I practically left the scence of engine making for maplestory... and stoped posting many comments on the site I worked at and posted a update (time from last update, 4 months)

And hey everyone has a life so don't say you don't have one! get out more and have some fun guys while strrmmmNrrmmmm relaxs and takes his time for free to make us the greatest emulator for psp!

Now be serious even though he has been taking long he has been working on this for free and as you can see, converting Nintendo into Playstation is super hard!
Unlike turning playstation games into playstation related systems (PSP)

Oh well! Thanks StrrmmmNrrmm for all your work thus far and am always looking foward to your next emulator.

Anonymous said...

hey, i have a question. what do you mean engine for maple story. I luv maple story. =D Do u mean the PSP-maplestory homebrew thing?

Anonymous said...

guyz!! good news!! StrmnNrmn is not dead!!! look here! this explanes where he was!!!!

don't worry th "boob" part doesn't mean anything. i'm just saying, theres good news, and theres bad news. you can check it out on that link =D good luck StrmNrmn!!! ty for the emulators =)

crazedover said...


That website is from 2003. StrmnNrmn's latest post is from 2007.

Unknown said...

Haha, that site is back from when Daedalus was intended for the PC only. I think Strmn was considering an Xbox version at one point too...

Anonymous said...

To Devin,

Well, I'm not sure if people like to put it as a homebrew but I was refering to the hacking engine for maplestory.
The engine that some people perfer to use to ruin the fun of maplestory to reach higher levels.

Ah but I have stoped hacking uh about a year ago now. But Lol it took me 2 years to get to level 70 using hacks just because I loved to play and joke around with legits to...I miss those days but yeah now people just hate hackers so what can you do :).

(P.S i'm legit now and i'm still in the 70's+ zone lmao!)

Michael said...

As i side note i just discovered that Daedalus Does infact work on the PSP slim!

yes im sure there are many of you that already knew this was blatantly freaking obvious, but i always believed it was for phat psps with the 1.50 kernel only.

im posting this for any other slim users that didnt know that daedalus r13 works on the psp slim. download the 1.00 firmware release, and put it in the GAME folder. will work fine

Lauren Lesko said...
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crazedover said...
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crazedover said...

Don't worry guys, StrmnNrmn LIVES!

Last seen: 2-27-08 as of this writing.

Apparently, he's been playing Oblivion and WarCraft 3.

And here.

Good thing, too... thought something bad might've happened...

Anonymous said...

Haha xD, can't blame him for playing video games and wanting to have fun.

Would be nice if he left a update though as of how it's been going or if r14 needs more time.

mbeck said...

I don't care when this comes out. It's just a relief to know that he is alright.

Roland said...

Hello Norman,
There are now many time that we haven't heard about Daedalus Projects...
Isn't now the time to break the silence and to tell us now how is it going..?
juste to have confirmation that the projetcs still continues...

thanks for all the work you've done for community.

Yonaba, From

gregerson316 said...
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gregerson316 said...

I agree, just let us know if your still working on it or not. PLEASE!!!

bstickq1 said...
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bstickq1 said...

Calm down guys. He's been gone longer than this before.

Unknown said...

If you don't mind me asking, do you have an estimate of when the next version will be released?

Anonymous said...

I have opened up a new site for Strmnnrmn.It's for him and dedicated to him.

Just waiting on a response back from him as to whether he will be using it as his main blog now :)

The site is finished and your all welcome to play a part in the community.

Link is : (the main page)

And the forums :

Lets make it feel nice for when strmnnrmn sees it guys eh :)

Unknown said...

haha thats awesome!! nice job dude

AgentSmith said...

Howdy Stormin Norman,
Just thought I'd say hi and can't wait to here some news about your project. That new web sight dedicated to you is pretty nifty, in my opinion. I can't wait to here what you think of it. Listen, we all love you and your work so please don't get pissed at people for wanting some news or something - ok? We all wait with baited breath on every word you say to us all. You hold a lot of interesting topics and I personally love to read your blogs and alway check the RSS feed daily for updates. I guess I am just a really huge fan. Anyways Thanks for listening bro - hope to hear from you soon. Later - Alan

vomitingkermit said...

Dear STrmnnrmn,

Back in a time when homebrew seemed like crap
An emulator came out, Daedalus to be exact.

It showed us all that homebrew can be good
It even gave mario, to people chillin' in da hood.

An emu' so good, it could even run Star Fox
It made us all think 'Damn, Daedalus ROCKS!

Unknown said...

I'm new to the scene and I must say, I didn't think that N64 emulation would ever work so well on the PSP. This is some amazing work you've got here!

I'm looking foward to R14 (: can hardly wait!

BJ said...
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Unknown said...

sad that the dev just dont places a hard is that...:(

Anyways i hope perfect dark works on a day...really love the N64 version.

Betabot said...

I miss him :( WHERE DID YOU GO?

Unknown said...

Are you still alive?

Unknown said...

Are you still alive?

Swish said...

strmnnrmn's to busy with other stuff unfortunately.

Thou it has been over 4 months since R13 and nearly 3 months since an update strmnnrmn's probably getting bored with this.

Betabot said...

Swish: I doubt that, he seems pretty enthusiastic in most posts. But as we all know, life sucks some times. I will lose hope after june of any release or update. I sure hope someone steps up and takes over the project.

gregerson316 said...

I agree, I check this site every day in hope of any kind of response or update. But after about another month, Ill just give up. I was patient earlier, but now Im losing it. WE NEED A COMMENT OR UPDATE, AND SOON, PLEASE!!! I getting the feeling that he gave up and isnt even reading any of these posts. All well, the best emulator just might die and prove a lot of people right :(. DAMN, DAMN, DAMN.

Original Lemon Tang said...

R.I.P StrmnNrmn

Nintendog22 said...

@gregerson316: i really really dont want all those people that are saying the N64 emu will never work good to be proven right. no one loose hope, strmnNrmn isnt the kind of person that will just drop something like that. keep up the good work, you can make the emulater perfect because your just that damn good and amazing. and Strmn, plz, proove all those non-belivers in this emu wrong. :)

keep up the great work. :)

Chris Kaufeld said...

This project is dead. hopefully someone else will continue where strmnnrmn left off.

bstickq1 said...

In early 2007 he wasn't heard from for 4.5 months. Everything is going to be okay.

Svalbard said...

The project is not dead. Strmnnrmn just hasn't had time to post an update. It doesn't take just like 3 minutes to post an update on his blog, like most peoples'. He always fills them with information and tells us about his new updates. Good job so far strmnnrmn and thanks for all of your hard work. I can't wait to see the next update!

Yoshi Party said...

I don't even know how to compile his source^^

keep good work StrmnNrmn;)

Rodrigo said...


maybe you could do something useful uh? Go and play something like Brawl!!!! XD

Anonymous said...

guyz, i'm sure he's really busy with something else right now. he'll get back to daedalus eventually. =) like one of you guys said, he's not the type of person that would just stop making it. this is totally irrelivant but...

does any1 have brawl? if so, my friend code is 4253-3244-1240

my main is Toon Link.

jerry said...

Can I have some of that Pie?
Sounds super good!

(in case you're still eating that is.)

Keep on the great work ^^!

Anonymous said...

strmnnrmn is doing a lot of jogging of course with a different username,

thats all i can say right now!


mbeck said...

What?! You mean he's been here the whole time & never even told us? Damn, he's good... Would you mind telling us which username he's under, Wally?

Anonymous said...

I can't give out that information unfortunately...

Thats up to StrmnNrmn

I respect his privacy and lets keep it that way


Unknown said...

wally, is that someone that has contacts with strmnnrmn or what?

Sorry wally, but i really want somekind of proof that he is still here.
Becouse why should he use a other name...

Anyways, maby Wally=strmnnrmn :P

Unknown said...

.no. wally = strmn .no.

Ben Sumner said...

Haven't heard from StrmnNrmn in a long while. and of course he had to disappear while working on the version that would speed stuff up alot by having audio on a separate thread. (AKA huge speedboost)

I miss him!

wwwyzzerdd said...

im thinking this is a case of supply and demand, been playing your stuff since r2, good stuff man, i was impressed even then

:-] said...

maybe StrmnNrmn died and daedalus died with him :(

R.I.P. both

Anonymous said...

Wally, is really StrmnNrmn working with other name?
If it's true, it's a good new.
Wally How is the project? R14 works good?

Unknown said...

damn, musta been some pretty good pies to be gone this long....
i believe in you! find it in your heart to drop us a line! just three or 4 words will do!

Unknown said...

Well I'd believe Wally's word, he's listed as a Daedalus developer on SourceForge

Unknown said...

i think its possible for wally to be strmnNrmn because how come when strmnnrmn finishes his updates/releases type ups he leaves his name at the end but that doesnt solve anything but just my little guess oh yeah anychance of wrestling games working

Unknown said...

mm why do you believe what wally said?..bored guy...i think that stmmmnnnmmmmnnmmn
(jaja) got bored of this..and that's all..

Swish said...

yeah strmnnrmn probably doesn't have enough motivation to continue this project any more or at least continue it properly even thou there are like over 100 thousand people who use Daedalus.

winston gell said...

don't worry people have faith,he's been gone longer than this.i beleive wally because he's listed as a developer,so right now all we can do is wait.

keep up the good work norman,i'm rooting for you.

winston gell said...

hey everybody listen up!!!! r-14 is going to be released soon,i can't give my word for it but if you go to you'll see that r14 is coming really soon,since strmnNmn is already beta-testing it.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to leave you guys in the dark...

Strmnnrmn has been jogging quite a lot :) but no... I dont wish to reveal any details.

he is not working with another name, he isnt even active at the minute.

I am not StrmnNrmn.. I am not from the UK for starts, I live in australia..

Don't listen to that shithead CaptainMorgan.. He's lying.. It'll take forever for him to get my respect back...


Unknown said...

@wally: lol
I hate people who pretend to release something.

I hope strmnrmn(damn i hate to spell that name:P)comes back quickly, and gives us a update personally.

If you got contact with him, please ask for a quick comment wally...

Unknown said...

Just to remind everyone that StrmnNrmn took a 4 month break September 6 2006. He needs his time off.

@Wally: Weren't you the one who released the R8 Spiff-up?

Jody said...

What the hell does Yuletide mean?? It sounds like some Japaneses/Hawaiian hurricane name.

Anonymous said...

Boaz: I sure will..

Justin: Yep :) Im considering another spiffup in the future but no promises.

jody: its an archaic term for Christmas .

winston gell said...

@wally.....i have a question for you...some people say that TLZ:OO will never run full speed on daedalus,but i saw a video on youtube of a zelda debug rom,running in r12 at a really good speed WITH sound, your opinion,does zelda ocarina has chances in running full speed on daedalus?

Unknown said...


I saw an article on about daedalus r-14 beta,(posted by Tim Y, on april 2) about strmnnrmn releasing R-14 beta to CaptainMorgan4 for testing. here's the link

looks like it could be reel but we don't know for sure.

I hope this thing with Wally is real too.

Unknown said...

I'm pretty sure captainmorgan just got it from the svn probably not from strmnnrmn for beta testing. Let's give strmnnrmn his break. He certainly deserves it.

Anonymous said...

winston gell: TBH with you, i have no idea.. Im guessing its quite possible if things are optimised correctly over time :) (I want to see both zelda games at full speed too)

john: yes its real... I gave morgan that release. He Imed me saying he couldnt compile it.

Tyler: as i said to john, he didnt download it from SVN, i compiled it and he claims he spoke with StrmnNrmn.


Morgan said...

Wally go to DCEMU and check your PM's please, this is just a big misunderstanding. Technically I didn't get this build from you so I'm not sure why your saying that but please read my PM. I think it will clear the air, just so you know this information that I spoke wasn't any intention to hurt StrmnNrmn or his work.

baboon said...

Thats sad that Captain Morgan feels he has to share the information of this private beta testers version of the emu with the whole public (on a number of websites)?

I hope you've learnt not to hand out these things in the future Wally just to any muppet? lol

I wonder if StrmnNrmn will post an official comment on this? ...or will he just maintain the silence he has done for the past few months??

And what's the deal with people setting up the unoficial website ''? ...I see Captain Morgans been on there bragging about his leaked beta - and has the cheek to ask for respect rep from the other members for posting the info? lol

I just hope this doesnt stop strmnnrmn from doing and more releases for the PSP?

Itxnh said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Morgan said...

First off you guys don't know what your talking about so stop trying to bash me. I didn't leak anything, I've had this build for months and have NEVER released it to anyone. The only thing I said was that the R14beta has 4 new settings/options. Why are all of you so mad about me talking about 4 new features, if I would have just posted on some forum like yeah theres 4 new features no one would make a big deal about it. You guys act like I leaked the actual build, all I did was give out some information about settings how does that ruin the emulator? I was given the site and that's the ONLY place I talked about the R14beta, I didn't tip or tell any other sites to post that news. I figured with StrmnNrmn's resting you guys would like something new to look at, and that was just a few screenshots which StrmnNrmn himself posted similar screenshots when he made the new GUI. I tried helping you guys by lettings you see something new since we haven't had a blog-post in 4 months and it backfired and now alot of you hate me. I'm sorry but that's screwed up, and you people are really over reacting to this situation. And to you Baboon you live right up your name because you really slant your so called information, I didn't ask for respect on We had a new member that couldn't figure out how to do the karma on the site and I explained it to him, I told him if you like what you see give me/that person "respect" (aka karma).

Aaron Bornstein said...

Wally please leave Morgan alone I respect both of you but if you want to be mad at someone for tipping of blame me because I'm the one who told them about the beta as for morgan all he did was give us believers in strmnnrmn some hope to the future after all its not like he posted the R14 beta you sent him. Again I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused.

-Ari Bornstein

Morgan said...

I didn't get my build directly from Wally so I'm not sure why he said that or why he said he specifically told me blah blah blah because I didn't get it from him. I respect Wally and it surprised me that he was mad at me over all of this, I'm still not sure why everyone is mad because Wally has been bragging about his betas for months and telling people what roms act different in his beta, so how was my post any different. I just signed up for MSN so Wally lets talk this out or something because I'm confused to why this backfired on me.

Anonymous said...

oh f**k

I forgot how much QJ lies about things (Lying scums), they mess with your head too much

Anyway I agree, sorry for flaring things up morgan what the FUCK have I done :(

I'll try and set things right, maybe sign onto MSN once in a while.

Anyway... I apologise, the rest of you should too.

The real enemy = != captainMorgan


Swish said...

That's pretty immature QJ.NET is a gaming news site they just post all news they happen to come across and if they're not 100% sure on the information they have they'll post it as a rumor they're in no way liars.

Anonymous said...

No. if you knew what happens when they post news, then im sure you'd know :)

Check this blog for a title.. daedalus disinformation



Unknown said...

I Disagree with Wally is just reporting on diffrent events that take place in the gaming/modding/hacking/home brewing world. when I posted on this blog that had a story on Daedalus R-14 Beta i didn't want everyone to get mad and start blaming everyone else, like Morgan got blamed. i also said that it may not have been true.

Wally:You didnt do anything wrong you were3 just updating us on whats going on whail Strmnnrmn is away. Thanks

Morgan: I'v seen your posts on Deadalus since i first started following this project back in R-12 you'v never done anything wron and all you were doing was updating us, just like Wally. Thanks

Everyone Else: Back off! it's not like they murdered someone, again they didn't do anything wrong. Strmnnrmn will eventually update the blog again if anything you all should be happy, because with this info it means that Strmnnrmn hasn't given up on this project. That's what you all were complaining about earlier, saying that this project is dead and all, and it's not, so Rejoice Strmnnrmn is working hard on ti.

Strmnnrmn: thank you for Daedalus. thank you for working so hard. and thank you for continuing this project even when we get hypocrites that dont aprieciate the work you have done.

PS: Inside The Fire by Disturbed is an sweet song!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

So this is the new record setting amount of time he's been gone right?

That'd be funny if he came back and made it full speed on the next release xP

JKJK that won't happen lols

well back to playing SSB =]

Jody said...

I think Nintendo and Sony should come together and agree to have a Nintendo64 built-in emulator so we'll have full speed. be able to buy N64 games from PSN. PSN Store?? hmmm. Does that stand for Play-Station-Nintendo?
That's impossible so I'll keep dreaming ^_^

Aaron Bornstein said...

That would be Ironic you know the N64 and Playstation were created due to a fight between Sony and Nintendo on a joint console

Jody said...

Of course it'd be ironic! that's why I said it

Unknown said...

Rofl. John sounds like like he's praying to the Emulation Gods for guidance.

Unknown said...

Yami: 2 things:

1 What do you mean by "Rofl"?

2 how am I praying to the EMU gods? I just think that people should be treated fairly.

PS: Ten Thousand Fists by Disturbed is a good song!!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Dude i just realized I posted that comment about 50 minuets after Yami. it's kinda stupid but still kinda cool at the same time

PS:Freda Adler said:

Stripped of ethical rationalizations and philosophical pretensions, a crime is anything that a group in power chooses to prohibit.

Unknown said...


1) Rofl = Lol It stands for "Rolling on the floor laughing."

2) I was merely commenting that your post sounded vaguely like a prayer. That was just funny to me, I didn't really mean anything by it. This place needs a break in the tension anyway.

Btw, I'm willing to bet that you didn't know that Disturbed's cover of Land of Confusion is a good song.

Unknown said...


I completely agree with you people are way to sereous around here. what do you mean by "Disturbed's cover of land of confusion is a good song"?
Land of confusion is a good song, and their cover for the album is cool too but what do you mean by both?


"You’re not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on."

PS:PS: Breakdown by Seether is a cool song!

Unknown said...

Ah...Land of Confusion was originally written by a band called Genesis. Disturbed included their version of it on Ten-Thousand Fists. Ergo, their "cover" of the song, not album artwork, was what I was talking about.

Unknown said...

Hm, is the project still active?

Unknown said...


Yes the project is still active. StrmnNrmn is taking a while to post. Its not the first time.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jody said...

"My Sweet Shadow" by In Flames.
Now that's good song!!

Unknown said...


thanks for explaining the cover song thing. i didn't know that Land of Confusion was already a song and that Disturbed redid it. By the way (i feel really stupid asking you what every thing you say means on every post you put in) but what does "Ergo" mean?


Im not really into scream-o (is that hou you spell it?) music, but i only listened to the preview on Itunes, so if it doesn't have a lot in it could you tell me? thanks in advance


yes this project is still alive, as Justis already said, if you look at some of the previous posts i left one about R14 Beta, and theres a link with more info.


"How often we fail to realize our good fortune in living in a country where happiness is more than a lack of tragedy."

PS:PS: Whispers In the Dark by Skillet is a sweet5 song!

Unknown said...

Ergo = Therefore

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Wally has finally joined the rest of us in crying


we really just need a spif or something that shows progress

Jody said...


It's not scream-o. listen to the whole song.

gregerson316 said...

Why have some of you turned this into a music blog? Go somewhere else to talk about it, this is for StrmnNrmn and Daedalus. I bet when R14 does get released it going to be surprising.

Unknown said...


This blog isn't turning into a music blog, i just like music. and other people are allowed to post about music. they should talk about Daedalus too, but other topicks are welcome in my opinion.


Ok thanks for enlightening me, i'm going to listen to it a little later, though


Thanks yet again.


Why are you crying, i thought you were in contact with Strmnnrmn anyway? But you probably have your reasons, just asking.



(my paper mario rom isn't z64 or v64, it just says Paper Mario and then under it it says ROM file. so i dont know it it will work with all roms, but it does for mine.)

if you want the savestate file just email me at, leave your email adress and i will try and send you the file. also if you have any more questions or concerns or if you want to request a savestate for a diffrent game i might be able to help you.

PS:Awaken by disturbed is a good song!!!

PS:PS: put frame skip on 2 and paper Mario works pretty well.

Unknown said...

@ everyone

i forgot i will be gone all this weekend so i wont be able to get back to you until i get back. (going camping with friends)


Love can sometimes be magic. But magic can sometimes…just be an illusion.

Unknown said...

@ everyone

Dang my bad...again (3'd times the charm) ok when i email you the savestate rename it "" with __ bieng the number slot you want to save it in, then put that savestate in the folder savestates in Daedalus.

3 bugs that i found by the way
(1) when you start to play the game withought the savestate, after you creat a new file, the Rom freezes Ergo (hahaha thanks Yami) thats why you need my savestate.
(2) the game freezes again after you see the cut scene where peach's castle is lifted into the air by bowsers castle.
(3)Mario Peach and Bowser in the savestate that i give you will all be purple squares, but after you have played the game for a while they go back to normal (this is at the first battle between you and Bowser.)So that's where the savestate will start you off unless i find any more bugs.


Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get, it’s what you are expected to give — which is everything.

Unknown said...

STRMN been with you since the R4, and have dropped by once or twice to thank you, and post bugs I found before. If you're done, than THANKS FOR EVERYTHING! Heres to hoping you are not done, and taking a well deserved break (he does this for free people!) Amazing work, and many of us out here are just grateful. Do what you got to, don't listen to anyone but you. To all who are complaining, learn to code, think out solutions, and lets see you dedicate your free time to making an emulator rather than having fun playing the games (and all for free given as a gift to a world of strangers no less...). Take care NRMN!

Unknown said...

@ everyone

Ok first i want to apologize for giving you all false hope, about paper mario. i brought my psp along with a couple of different savestates of paper mario, at different points in the game, with me whale i was camping. and at the beginning of the game everything works ok, but later on in the game(not very far into the game, around the Goomba village) things just keep on freezing up. Even with the savestate when you get out of the village, the rom still freezes. So im sorry, but Daedalus just isn't ready to run paper mario just yet. to anyone who still for whatever reason wants the savestate, email me and ill send it. again I'm sorry.
the best i can say if you still want to play paper mario and dont have a n64 is to download project64 v 1.6.


i don't mean to rush you but seriously an update would be very much appreciated. you don't have to finish the next version of Daedalus to update, just some info of how things are going will work for me. Even if you haven't figured out the Heisenbug yet please just update. again i don't mean to rush you.

PS:Waste by Seether is a good song!!


We enjoy warmth because we have been cold. We appreciate light because we have been in darkness. By the same token, we can experience joy because we have known sadness.

Anonymous said...


Casper said...

Hey all, Just to let you guys know Strmn has been gone just as long as he has now, and came back with an awesome release. Let's just hope this happens again, and even if he didn't find the bug yet, it's still okay as an update on this blog is alway nice. And also, its alright if Strmn takes a break, maybe he just doesn't wana update? Yes, an update would be nice but that doesn't mean you have to hate him for that. After all, this is an awesome emu and may work full speed for N64 roms. Just quit bugging him. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Wally said he's jumping around using different usernames and such and is still watching the blog. Please do correct me if I'm wrong though Wally.

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