Sunday, November 04, 2007

Daedalus PSP R13 Released

I've just finished packing up R13 and uploading it to sourceforge:

Daedalus PSP R13 for v1.00 Firmware
Daedalus PSP R13 for v1.50+ Firmware
Daedalus PSP R13 Source

The most significant new feature is savestate support. You can now save your progress at any point, via the Pause Menu (accessed through hitting the Select button). Savestates are written out to the memory stick, and consume around a megabyte per slot. You can load up a savestate at any time from the Pause Menu, or via the front end (hit the right shoulder button to swap from the rom list to the savestate list.)

Other than savestates, the most significant change in R13 is a number of optimisations to the dynarec core which should give a 10-20% speedup depending on the title being played. I've tested these optimisations as much as I can, but if you find that roms which worked with R12 are now broken, try disabling 'dynamic recompilation' and/or 'dynarec stack optimisation' from the rom's preferences screen.

I haven't looked at compatibility at all in R13, so it's unlikely that any roms will have started working in R13.

I'm interested to hear your feedback on both of these features. Let me know if you have any problems with savestates, or if you've found roms are no longer working in R13. I'll try and keep on top of the comments pages over the next couple of weeks.

It's taken a LOT longer to get R13 out than I had hoped. I can't quite believe the last release was in June! I'm hoping now I've got this release out of the door I'll be able to get back to making small, more frequent releases.


Update A couple of things have cropped up in the comments. Firstly, when you create a savestate it can take a while - up to 10 seconds - during which time the screen is black. It will complete though - please be patient :). I'll have a look at adding a progress meter or something like that for R14.

There are a few titles that don't seem to be working well with some of the dynarec optimisations I added. If you're having problems, try turning off the 'dynarec stack optimisation' as discussed above.


StrmnNrmn said...

I've decided to disable comment moderation to allow for more free-flowing conversation. You still need to register to comment, but you shouldn't need to wait days (or weeks :) for your comment to appear any more.

Michael said...

Very cool to see it out, look forward to testing out roms.

Dustin (Elessar) said...

Ok, i'm new to this homebrew scene thing...i have 3.71 m33 for my fw. Can i use this?

Weeman said...

Great.....good work.

Does it work with slim??

Platt said...

Sound, this update is gona be great, cant wait to see what you have planned for R14.
Thanks strmnnrmn u r a legend!!!

Unknown said...

Nice work.
I hope you get conker to work some day :)

StrmnNrmn said...

elessar: I'm not sure which firmwares it will work on. I've tested it on a v1.00 psp (my main development machine) - other people will be able to let you know if they've managed to get it working on other firmwares.

weeman: Not sure it will work on the slim. I really need to get my own to test on!

Weeman said...

i tested it...and got error message that it doesn't work

jesus said...

Strmnnrmn, the firmware 1.00 version does work on psp slim with 3.71 m33-2 . Same as r12, so whatever your doing with the firmware 1.00 version just keep doing it :P. Great release man, hope to see a nice compatibility release soon for r14.

GmDude66 said...

Works on 3.71 M33-2 Fat.

Weeman said...

I just can confirm what "max" wrote, 1.50+ does`t work, but 1.00 does.
Awesome work

pimppimp said...

Super Smash Bros just crashed when I tried to play it.That also happened on Mario Party 1.That's weird because that has never happened before.

Hashem said...

Thanks strmnnrmn, it works marvelously!

GmDude66 said...

pimppimp: I was just playing SSB never crashed yet

Are you PSP slim or fat?

StrmnNrmn said...

Thanks for the confirmation max/gm!

jesus said...

"pimppimp", some of strmnnrmn's dynarec hacks and improvements may have had some effect on certain roms compatibility, the best thing you can do is disable the dyanarec in the pause menu atleast temporarily.

StrmnNrmn said...

pimppimp: SSB is one of the roms I've been doing most of my testing with. At which point is it crashing?

Austin said...

YAY!!! Finally! Time to test

O and how about Media Engine For R14??

pimppimp said...

I'm using a fat psp, some games crash when I try to load them up.But now they work fine.I'm also running 3.40 OE-A.

Unknown said...

Alright, i tested it out and i'm ecstatic with the new speed improvement! works like a charm! Mario 64 is getting so close to being better than the real thing!
2 things. First I am having trouble with the "return to main menu" button. when i try to use it, it seems to work if i have just started a rom, but not further into the game, unless i try it many times.
I also found that Goldeneye needs 'dynamic recompilation' and 'dynarec stack optimisation' turned off to work.
I can't wait to see whats up next!!!

StrmnNrmn said...

robbie: I think I know why that's happening. In order to support savestates, the emulator tries to ensure that it only stops the CPU at a 'safe' point during execution. I think the problem is that if you're using dynarec it can take a long time for the CPU to get to this state. I'll have a look and see if I can improve things for R14.

Hashem said...

robbie's right

Anonymous said...

YAY! Another release! I have been checking this page everyday since R12. :-D

Okay, on to the testing.

I have tried, mario 64, mario kart, aerogauge, zelda 64 and star fox. All of them worked better, but I didn't see as much as a 10-20% speedup in either of them.

Aerogauge had a funny bug though: Once you started the game, you see the text: "3,2,1..." And right after that the text "Out of time" appear. :-p

I'm happy for the small improvement and the savestate function, but I do wish for better speed. Maybe the sound emulation could be worked on to gain some speed? I think speed is the right way to go. Why bother with compability when you can create a emulator that people are able to play at least something on. So I'm happy with the direction you have been working on for R13.

Okay, enough from me!

Thank you for another great release!

GmDude66 said...

StrmnNrmn: I noticed that the backgrounds in Mario Party get mixed up. They are all there and visible, just mixed up :P

Unknown said...

w00t i <3 strmnnrmn

Anonymous said...

How did you manage to get mario 64 working at that speed? I might have missed a setting or two... Maybe there is differences between the game versions? (I'm using PAL)

GmDude66 said...

Erik: It's just naturally running that fast for me. I can get it running full with 1 frameskip and sometimes no frameskip in-level.

PS: Mario 64 + Sound + Out-Level = WOW!

Platt said...

Heres a video i just uploaded of me playing Mario 64 with sound and it sounds and plays great.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the quick reply strmnnrmn.
maybe a *bit* of an overstatement, but i was referring to how with 1 frame skip on and no audio you can get going 30+ fps in several spots. But even with audio we're in the 20s which is pretty good.

Platt said...

StrmnNrmn i keep on reading about the how playing the audio to the PSPs media engine would make it sound and run really smooth. I don't know anything about this but is this true and will you be planning on implimenting anything to do with this?

Unknown said...

Also @erik
The bug in Aerogauge is similar to when you run goldeneye with 'dynamic recompilation' and 'dynarec stack optimisation' enabled: it skips part of the game, kind of. In the intro scene it skips the info part and the spinny nintendo logo and goes right to the rareware logo. it then proceeds to the bond walking across the screen and crashes after ~1 second. i don't know if the problems are related.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

i think that it working faster with the framerate limiter off is it going faster than it supposed to... but idk.

Paulnpoosy said...

Hey StrmnNrmn..
your emulator is great and nothing can beat it:)
few things.. Is there a way to turn the dynarec on after disabling it?
also i do not see any difference in speed when i turn off the dynarec hack off lol maybe im just silly:)
well kudos to you and your great achievements:)
ps. the speed of Daedalus is good enough for me:) Zelda is fine when it comes to speed, its just the crashes make it harder to play.. but hey its great for me since iv gotten one madalian since r11:)
great job StrmnNrmn.(O )( O)

Anonymous said...

hehu, yeah :-p But I thought that it worked less laggy when i switched it off. After future testings I found out that this wasn't the case (I thought that maybe the frame limiter took alot of power from the cpu or something like that :-p). How stupid of me.

Yeah whatever, I'm still hoping for better sound (or better speed, which would affect the sound).

Unknown said...

Gracias amigo Desde México CD

GmDude66 said...

StrmnNrmn: I noticed that the game "Glover" continuously reads from the MS when it's not actually loading anything (in-game).

The game runs just fine (almost 100%) even though there is constant MS activity.

Maybe fixing this bug will fix bugs with other games not loading.

Weeman said...

When I play, I can't get back into the main menu?...otherwise it works:

1080° Snowboarding----Crash
Banjo-Kazooie----Very Slow(even with different settings)
Diddy Kong Racing----Just Graphics(some writing)
Donkey Kong64----Crappy
F-Zero X----Crash
Mario Kart 64----a bit crappy
Mario64----sometimes slow, but works
Star Wars Racer----doesn't work
SSB----a bit crappy
Zeld----slow,some crashes

PSP: Slim 3.72 M33-2
Daedalus R13 for 1.00

Probably it doesn't work that well on slim because it isn't written for it.....

Platt said...

if your on 3.72 M33-2 is it better getting the 1.0 or 1.5 version? or is there no difference?

Unknown said...

read back just a bit...

Weeman said...

Srry....there is just so much to read=)
I can get in and out of games wih work ok....that would be that what
strmnnrmn ment below your post.

Do you know anything more about the Slim?

titium said...

So whats on the agenda for r14?
My personal opinion is work on moving sound to the media engine, and/or other processing to the ME, that and another 20-30% speed up and the emulator will start seeing some roms run almost perfectly!
Keep up the great work!!!

Unknown said...

Now time to work on compatibility.

Platt said...

I say you should now try and get it to run on the ME. But the decision is yours.

Unknown said...

full speed by Christmas anyone :D

Unknown said...

Thanks a lot for this nice version !

But I've got a question :
Why you don't load the rom's in the RAM like the others emulators ?

Unknown said...

sorry for the double post.

I second sound or cpu on the me for R14 :D

Then we can enjoy the great fps when sound is turned off but then can enjoy the same fps with it on.

Some of us cant enjoy it without sound :)

You can do it strmnmnrm!!!

GmDude66 said...

nobodyishere: lol, they are loaded into RAM

Unknown said...

Whenever I try to save a savestate in Mario 64, the screen goes black and I have to exit Daedalus.

pimppimp said...

Does anyone know where I can find a list of working roms for R12?

PSPMAN90 said...

HELLO! Everyone! Hello StrmnNrmn ! Glad you finally made Your DAEDALUS R13 Nintendo 64 Emulator for PSP! ^^ I got a lot of Doubts and also lots of IDEAS and to improve your N64 emulator for PSP, Daedalus R13! I knew it, I told you once (indirectly) that you had to take your time! That's what you did! Congrats! For your Great Work! I will Ask something:

Can I add you at my contacts?

Well you don't need to answer that if you don't want to. I know you are famous and everything, that you have a lot of personal things to do and also that you don't have time to Answer all the doubts!

I know, But I'm glad I make myself member of this Blog!

ZIP files: Run fine( U just have to wait for the ROM to start, since its extracting! It will create a daedrom.tmp, Thats the temporally rom extracted!)& you will have more space on your MS0.

Rom test:
The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Time/ Master Quest(E): Runs
zip integration: OK!

The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Time(E): Playable
zip integration: OK!

Legend of Zelda, The - Majora's Mask (U) (GC Version).z64: not playable
zip integration: Start but Stops!
Observations: But This rom is playable on Daedalus R12. Why doesn't run on daedalus R13?

Mario Kart 64(U):Playable
zip integration:
zip integration: OK!

I guess Thats all that I test by the moment!

Doubt: Roms can be put on MS0(root) right? But How is load faster? From the Root or from the GAME150/daedalus/ROMS ?

Well I expect some answers!

Thanks! ^_^

Unknown said...

Gm I dont think so, because when I play, the orange led always runing...

buu said...

Thanks strmnnrmn so much .I didnt really realise any fps imporovment in ssb but i did relise it in mario kart a bit. but i have one question. what is dynamic stack optimisation? when i checked on the rom preferences i found it on there and i didnt know what it was.Just asking and I hope to see r14 soon THANK YOU!

Unknown said...

Thank you for your work and for sharing it, StrmnNrmn. Congratulations!

pimppimp said...

Mario Party 3 doesn't work now.:(

Weeman said...

I would offer to test your programms on the slim until yo get your own.

Anonymous said...

The orange light indicates that the game is being loaded to the RAM. I don't think a full n64 game fits on a 8mb ram memory.;-)

When the screen turns black you have to wait a couple of minutes. It takes some time to save.

StrmnNrmn said...

paulnpoosy: It looks like you have to restart the rom for a change in the dynarec settings to take effect. This is a bug- I'll investigate. It looks like this also applies to the dynarec hack.

gm: I've not noticed this behaviour before, it must be something to do with the way in which Glover is accessing the rom (causing it to constantly be streamed in from the memory stick). I'll take a look at this too, though it's likely just to give a bit of a speedup rather than improving compatibility.

StrmnNrmn said...

nobodyishere: I do load the roms into ram (as gm points out :), but unlike other emulators, n64 roms are far too large to fit into the available ram on the psp. I have to stream in chunks of the rom on demand as they're needed.

adam: It can take 10 seconds or more to create a savestate. Be patient :)

pspman90: Roms can be put into ms0:/Game/daedalus/roms or ms0:/n64/

StrmnNrmn said...

billy: The dynarec stack optimisation is discussed here. You should enable it unless you're having problems running a rom.

pimppimp: I've not tested this rom. Try disabling the 'dynarec stack optimisation' setting on the rom's preferences page, that might help. I'll try and see why this is causing issues.

StrmnNrmn said...

erik: You beat me to answering :)

Anonymous said...

"erik: You beat me to answering :)"
Hehu, yay! :-D

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
PSPMAN90 said...


Super Smash Bros.(E):Run/Stunning Audio but no video and it doesn't react to the buttons command.
zip integration: NOP/even without zip it doesn't run fine(just audio and no reaction to the buttons commands!)

Observations: This Rom is playable in Daedalus R12, no with that stunning audio but with video,audio and button reaction! Why it doesn't run in Daedalus R13? (it can be the Rom format, or the rom country version...?

Pokemon Stadium.(U)z64: not playable
zip integration: not supported

Observations: This rom wasn't supported by Daedalus R12, still its not supported by Daedalus R13.

Pokemon Stadium 2 (U).z64: Playable
zip integration: Starts/but intro runs with audio and if u hit it it will stop if has the Dynamic optimization stack: off. Starts with audio off and Dynamic optimization Stack even if u hit a button in the intro.Works fine with audio after that zipped or not!it Stops showing white screens sometimes,so u have to wait a little for the image, and has slowdowns too!

Observations: Works fine on zip. Improvement on Run-time,Video & Audio in Daedalus R13!Works Better without Audio! (video & Run-Time).

Well... Thats that! ^^

Idea: Why don't you use some kind of cache or ram to speed-up emulation! Just an opinion!^^

PSPMAN90 said...

Hey StrmnNrmn I post Two time a large status of Game running on Daedalus R3 an you didn't answer my doubts yet! Do I need to remind you what I post before ?(!) (sorry 4 that but I do not want to be ignored) Thanks! Please! Please! Read my post! I know you don't care what I said, because I'm just another Member of this blog 4 you! But please! Read my Status post! For the good of the ppl! Also I ask you this:Doubt: Roms can be put on MS0(root) right? But How is load faster? From the Root or from the GAME150/daedalus/ROMS ?| because I was asking if the roms load faster from ms0:N64/ or ms0:PSP/GAME150/Daedalus/ROM ? That's what I need to know. I already know this: pspman90: Roms can be put into ms0:/Game/daedalus/roms or ms0:/n64/

I told u everything avove because it seem like u only read my doubt and nothing more and even so u didn't answer it rigth.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

buu said...

hey strmnnrmn thanks again for r13.i have one question did you find any roms that didnt work in r12 but now works in r13 yet?

StrmnNrmn said...

michael: Sorry, I can't allow any links to rom sites :(

pspman90: It shouldn't make any difference which directory you place it in. It will load faster if you unzip the file first.

jesus said...

pspman90 , why not just test it yourself and find out? I haven't tested it but I would imagine the loading and speed and everything is exactly the same.

Unknown said...

Hey strmnnrmn...I was just curious, is there any rom that runs at 100% speed? I understand if there isn't, it is a difficult task to undertake.

Also...if there isn't a 100%, what is the highest speed obtained thus far?

buu said...

ari:mario 64 runs full speed with audio on now with frame skip on 2-3 super smash brothers is getting their way up thre as so is mario kart but mario 64 is the fstest one so far

Unknown said...

@billy, 15 - 20fps (and under) ingame with sound (levels) is not full speed.

Would probably be full speed with sound if strmnnrm does what we all hope and put sound or cpu onto the me :)

PSPMAN90 said...

Super Smash Bros. Doesn't run zipped or not! It doesn't run, just the audio! The funny thing is that runs on Daedalus R12^^

buu said...

Danny: what are you talking about? mario 64 runs 28-32fps for me mario kart runs 26 fps and ssb runs around 24fps so thats good! mario 64 already full speed basically

Anonymous said...

Well strmnnrmn first off i'd like to say i am amazed at what you can do with this. I first tryed mario 64 and without sound its flawless (frameskip 2). Super smash brothers looks a lot faster which also made me glad. I also tryed Zelda oot and it looked faster. There was a slight speed up with mario kart 64. I'll be back with some more in a while ;). It's really glad to see someone doing this. One thing that would make this emulator even better (as if it couldn't get any better) is possibly gameshark support. I don't think it would be that easy seeing as the only open source n64 emulators i have found that have gameshark support are pj64 and 1964. Anyway good luck with r14 ;)

Anonymous said...

Super smash is working just fine for me...

PSPMAN90 said...

billy what rom of SSB are u using? All I know that the (E) EUROPEAN one in .v64 doesn't show the Video, just a stunning audio. So tell me what kind of rom you r using? Of SSB! Please! And the settings too, and also if works on zip or not! Thanks!

buu said...

Psp man for ssb i'm getting round 27-30fps im useing the uk rom of ssb.

UXSam said...

Thanks Strmnnrmn :)

UXSam said...

If you're working on a version for the PSP Slim and need any testers, I'll be glad to help you test it out.



loci59 said...

Great work! Love the save. Its going to make playing more enjoyable on the go. Master quest runs great after you get to deku tree though before is quite bothersome. Mario rocks, hexen, Mario kark. going to try out more. But playing zelda in my palm is sweat even if theres no sound and a little lag. This rocks thanks.

Rodrigo Cardoso said...


Smash bros get working very well here.

About 10%~20% faster it is :)
45~50 fps with no sound (2 players)

I´m using the US version in z64 format.

Jody said...


Jody said...

There is a problem with Goldeneye. Well one good thing is that the intro music plays all the way through but the bad thing is that the screen turns black after the 'rareware' logo.
I like the fact that it plays the whole song...but you know what I mean... isn't playable. That was with 'Stack Optimisation' ON, by the way. ^^

I really love the speed up as well as the savestates. You're the best emulatorist ever. lol

Unknown said...

Great work from the sounds of things Nrmn (I haven't been able to test myself due to being busy). The only thing I can ask of you for the next daedalus is to increase the compatibility for games like Banjo Tooie. The day that game becomes playable will be the happiest day of my life :)
Thanks for all the work you've put into this project. :)

Morgan said...

StrmnNrmn I've always been a big fan of your work, when do you if you can want to give attention to Wally and I's polls for speed and compatability games for future releases. Happy to see another Daedalus release, I'm sure for the more releases to come will come out more monthly instead of what happened to this release. Good work I'm happy what I have on my psp right now.

Anonymous said...

Thats awesome!

Hey StrmnNrmn you broke the "Return to menu" function :) just so you know

buu said...

strmnnrmn i tested some games that worked on r12 but now they dont work on r13.

buu said...

also the return to menu funtion works sometimes but not all the time

GmDude66 said...

billy: As StrmnNrmn said a bunch of times, try disabling the dynamic stack optimization

Geoff said...

Great to see more interesting developments from you.

So does that mean R14 will be a compatibility-focused release?

Unknown said...


28-30fps with sound on? I doubt it.

You specifically stated that it was "full speed with sound on"

I know its practically full speed without sound but that isn't what you said.

Unknown said...

@my above post

And that is refering to Mario 64 in game (level) (not in castle courtyard)

Anyway keep up the good work strmmn :)

I just wish you would work on adding me processor support :(

Anonymous said...

Hello again!
I found a very small bug, nothing important but it could be good to know:

When switching the psp to "lock-mode", all the buttons get disabled(as they should). But the analog stick remain unlocked.

Unknown said...

Small request, really ought to be a couple of lines of code (LOL ;) )
Any chance of a 'Would you like to overwrite the savestate?' prompt?
Global save states is fine, just a little annoying when I realised I'd accidentally saved over a different games save.

Unknown said...

wow 27-30fps with sound on mario kart on time trials :D

Stunning stuff strmnrm!

Now just get sound or the cpu moved to the me processor! :D

also forsaken64 runs full speed with sound ingame with frameskip 1!

Thanks for this :)

Anonymous said...

i respect your work and it works fine but why the hell you don´t use a n64-bios. i often read that it´s better ... i´m not an expert in it. ok, it´s just illegal... i mean the gba-emu works with an bios, too. -perfect(ok it´s something different...). and the producer of the gba-emu are´nt in the prison now. i hope you will change you´re mine.

-sorry for my bad englisch-

Unknown said...

@ jr92

the nintendo64 doesnt use a bios per se. The bootcode is contained in each rom.

PSPMAN90 said...

OMG! Super Mario64 (U)STATUS:

RUN-TIME= OK! 25-30ftp/2 skipped
Video=97-98% OK!
Audio=95%-98% OK!
Zip integration: OK!
Save state: OK!

Observations: Finest Rom working on Daedalus R13! ^^

Star War Racer Episode I (U): Not playable on ZIP!

Well Status report COMPLETE! ^^ (4NOW)

Yoshi Party said...

thx StrmnNrmn

hopefully R14 will support the extended Super Mario64 ROM^^

Here some Videos of MY version, which was specially created for the PSP;)

PSPMAN90 said...

Yeah! Bios Would Work Fine! Like an Universal BOOT for all roms! So we don't have to worry about the integration of each rom with the Daedalus N64 Emulator.

Unknown said...

you dont seem to understand. There is NO nintendo 64 bios. The roms contain the bootcode (not a bios)

PSPMAN90 said...

Well u need to know more about the Tech of the N64^^ Well there's a page you should see, That The original NINTENDO 64 Contains BIOS! But since here I can't post URLS I can give it to you, for you to study and reviw more about N64 Tech. Oh well...

I also know that the ROMS on the DAEDALUS runs with a bootcode already established, for each Cartridge(ROM).

RomTheStampede said...

Hey strmnnrmn, if the Nintendo 64 bios existed, would you one day use the bios for your Daedalus emulator? I'm just curious because most emulators that didn't use bios before, now use it their own bios and runs more efficient. Has this ever crossed your mind?

RomTheStampede said...

oh and yes I'm well aware of the fake news from QJ... but I'm just curious about it.. thats all.

Anonymous said...

Resident Evil 2- Shows insert controllers
Conker's BFD - Shows a blue screen
Perfect dark - Audio works

Just thought you might want to know :)

BTW any chance of responding to some of my emails?

Kinda itching to hear from you again.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, the emulator runs really smooth, I found myself getting 15 stars in mario 64 without sound! (which still is very important for me)

But then it crossed my mind... the lagg in mario 64 is not too bad (even thought it makes the game sound like hell). But I have seen alot of other emulators in which you can make the sound unsynced with the game to make it sound better. I have no idea of how to build an emulator. But couldn't this be a possible solution for us that can't live without sound?

I'm sorry if I'm wasting your time, but I just feel that I want to help in at least some way...

PSPMAN90 said...

Hey Erik you r just like me ^^ I want too help even if I don't know how to build an emulator... But still I want to help in some way ^_^


badhoagie91 said...
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LGLEGO said...

Hello StrmnNrmn, how have you been? I have just installed the daedalus R13, I have a PSP with 3.40OE-A, I installed it at \PSP\GAME150, and added some ROMS in format .zip to \PSP\GAME150\Daedalus\Roms.

the program starts OK and it is showing me the roms I have put in the folder, but when I try to start any game, it looks like it is reading the memory card, but it just keep forever at the screen with the message "Start emulating the selected rom". The only button which work is Home to get out of the game

I tought maybe it was the roms I have, but I tested some of them with an emulator for Windows and they worked well.

I hope you can help me, I cannot wait longer to have N64 in my PSP


pbsdesign said...

Hi strmnnrmn, thanks for your great work, just thought I'd let you know that ROBOTRON84 stopped working in R13, or works very slow, and was nearly full speed in R12. I've tried all combinations of dynamic on/off without much difference. Most other games seem faster in R13. Just FYI, Thanks again!

Unknown said...

Great release.
Playing Banjo and Kazooie much more smoothly :P
Would love to see the Zelda games start working at a decent speed though.

GaveUpTomorrow said...

I was able to create and load a save state in Mario 64, but after loading the save state, the game controls no longer work. I can still bring up the menu and the home button, but moving mario/making him jump or do an action is not possible. Game controls do not seem to load after loading a state.

StrmnNrmn said...

Leonardo: The emulator has to unzip the roms to be able to play them. It can do this automatically, but it can take a long time. Try manually extracting a couple of roms and see how they run - they should start more or less instantaneously.

p: Thanks for the info. I'll check it out.

alex: Me too! Getting Zelda OoT and MM running well is a big goal of mine!

gaveuptomorrow: That's very unusual. What firmware are you using?
Has anyone else had the same problem?

Unknown said...

would be nice if you could add compability for command and conquer, i really like that game...

lightning09 said...
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Exophase said...

No one's ever going to learn...

Using HLE BIOS doesn't make an emulator slower. It usually makes it FASTER. N64 doesn't have a BIOS, but if it did requiring it would make the emulation slower.

Just because gpSP requires a BIOS doesn't mean that it's getting a speed improvement from it. It just means I didn't feel like doing an HLE BIOS (yet).

PSPMAN90 said...

OMG! EXPOPHASE THE CREATOR OF gpSP a GBA emulator for PSP!!! 0o0!!


lightning09 said...
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lightning09 said...

Good release daedalus, i had some problems though. When playing zelda , the graphics gets disrtorted. Like when u enter a room or a shop u dont see the environment;you dont even see the player so its hard to buy stuff. Also it doesnt emulate the full game, it stops like after 25-30 min playing time.Also Donkey Kong 64 is pretty slow on it like 4ps . Hopefully on your next release you will fix those bugs. Like zelda's fps to atleast 30fps which would be freaking awesome. And most importantly sound, which would be even more cool if you could play while having the sound to be smooth and cohesive throuhout the gameplay. I know this is just the early stage of your powerful n64 emulator. Keep up the good work, save states are really helpful .

go to my blog to tell of your problems or comments too.

Jody said...

Wally, the 'return to menu' function is fine, you just need to wait longer for the menu to come back up, especially if the Rom crashed.

Savestates crash after a state loads a previous crashed rom. I restart the psp when it does.

Anonymous said...

Thank you jody :) , it seems to back into the game though rather than back to the menu :/

Unknown said...

strmnnrn, could you add compabilty for the n64 game command and conquer?

That would be really nice:)

super mario 64 is now really working well, with music and sound!

and i got another question:
In super smash bros. i got black things(think transparency problems).
How can i fix that/or is it not fixable by me?

Like when i chooce pikachu, i see pikachu coming out of the pokeball on the begin of a fight, but i see a black box around the pokeball.

Ryze said...

Since Pokemon Stadium 2 is working, i think it would be great if you could set up transfer pak emulation. That's not to say that they have to work in the GB tower, as we can just use homer's RIN for that.

roelandb said...

Aerogauge had a funny bug though: Once you started the game, you see the text: "3,2,1..." And right after that the text "Out of time" appear. :-p

I have the same problem,
Are you planning to fix this, or do we have to change some settings to make it work?

Anonymous said...

roelandb: I actually ran into that bug too, i'm sure its just that Dynarec Hack, try turning that off.

Im still having trouble with the Return to menu function, somethings going on there :/

Unknown said...

nooooooooooooooooooo perfect dark isnt working :( :( :(
so is command and conquer:(

why are all my favorite games not supported:( .....

alex said...

I have downloaded R13 Firmware 1,0 Daedalus to my psp when i gonna start play daedalus it says the game could not start then some numbers and when i start daedalus is zelda ocarina of time gonna be in it or i need to download?

alex said...

I have downloaded R13 Firmware 1,0 Daedalus to my psp when i gonna start play daedalus it says the game could not start then some numbers and when i start daedalus is zelda ocarina of time gonna be in it or i need to download?

Anonymous said...


The sound is though..

Thats an improvement :)

Unknown said...

command and conquer works...well...the menu is completly black so just press some buttons to start the game.
And the menu for making buildings/units is also black.
I wouldnt call this playable...

To bad...:( oh well, im sure it will work some day:)

Unknown said...

and pokemon stadium 2 gives a black screen after the movie on the beginning, how can i fix this?

what to turn on and off?

Anonymous said...

Yo, I got to say this has a BIG improvement on Super Mario 64 (which so far I have tryed and works 100%+ With out the Audio)
haha keep up the good work I hope you get the audio fixed in r14.

P.S2 I hope you get the Legend of Zelda ornica of time working fully to, that game is number 1 on my list.

battymang said...

wil daedalus psp r13 work on my psp fw 3.71m33 ?????

Please HELLLPPPP!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

why its allways error while compiling, says zlib and dinput not found, where is the files?

Unknown said...

why its allways error while compiling , its say file not found for zlib n dinput..

elvy1505 said...

why wen i start daedalus it say game could not start.... Im running 3.71 m33-3

blinken said...

im in 3.71 m33-4 and whenever I go into daedalus my roms say cant get rom info, any idea why this would be? Its in 1.50 kernel btw.

JujuXD said...

Hey! I'm not a programmer and, actually, not even close... I've just bought the psp and now I downloaded the R13.

First of all, congratulations on the job! I really admire your work!

Although, I'm a little lost here... what should I do to make it run? I'm still afraid to install R13 considering that I don't know wether I should program anything or not... pls, give me a lil hand!

lightning09 said...

Well You have to "hack" your psp to make it have custom games so it can run hombrew such as R13. Go to google and search for upgrading or downgrading(depending on ur psp firmware) to atleast have 3.52 m33-4 which is a reliable firware there is also youtube of upgrading and downgrading

makemoneyfast said...

Wicked stuff :) make ocarina of time work 80% and ill be very impressed :P

tr3vor said...

i don't know if someone already said this but the 1.50 version doesn't work with 3.90 m33-3 but the 1.00 does (it still doesn't work even if your useing a phat psp and use 1.50)

Mollie12 said...

Im thinking about gettin a psp,
What do i need to download to be able to play Mario games? ( eg. Super Mario 64, ect.)

PSPMAN90 said...

Well U need a PSP with CFW(CUSTOM FIRMWARE) PSP That runs Homebrew under a Kernel(1.50,3.xx,4.xx) Basically now U will buy a PSP 2000(PSP Slim & Lite) and that PSP Doesn't have Kernel 1.50, it wasn't meant to run kernel 1.50. (That kernel is the First FW(Firmware that have Low Security so Coders made Homebrews under that and run them. Daedalus 13 is a Nintendo 64 Emulator that Runs on the PSP under kernel 1.50. I think there are some Betas of Daedalus 14 made by Capt'n Morgan and Willy, that runs on Kernel 3.xx and 4.xx, U see PSP Slim and Lite Runs on those Kernels depending of what CFW U had Installed to it. (eg CFW 4.01M33-2)

But to have a CFW PSP U need another PSP CFW to create the Pandora battery and the Magic Memory Stick (M.M.S.) A.K.A. "Pandora's Box" Or some friend that had this tools already done and he would hacked your new PSP, or u could pay someone to hack your PSP and UPDATE to the last CFW there is.(4.01M33-2) I acttualy Hack PSP just for $10 bucks, is pretty cheap, is suppose to be free as long as u learn it yourself and do it your self, if not u will see everybody calling you to hack there PSP's because is suppose to be free!! Yeah is free to download the Tools and do it for yourself... But who said it was free if u do it for another person u don't know?!! No body said thats. Every Work that is Service has a price everywhere regardless the tools u use were free or not. Is like "I learn to Fly " FREE so I will flight you everywhere u want because it was free! to me to learn it... No way!
So u see is WRONG! To sell this Tools because they were meant to be free, but anyway some dorks sells them on Ebay Over Cashed! No body says nothing to them, some companies of PSP batteries made Pandora Batteries and sells them "legally" So there's no problem that Hacking PSP for a Considerable price, off course without abusing (30 bucks is no deal!) instead 10 bucks is ok :) I have done it dozen of times and ppl didn't complain about the Price, also I have done it to my friends and some neighbors for free... I have a good soul :D
But with a PSP with OFW(ORIGINAL FIRMWARE) by SONY, is impossible to hack it alone or hack others PSP's, U need a CFW PSP or a MMS and a Pandora battery or jigclick battery.

I hope this Helped someone...
I like to talk a lot n_n"!

Idless said...

Can anyone help me. I have CFW 4.01 m33 for the psp slim and I am currently trying to start daedalus but it keeps coming up with the error : "the game could not start." Trying to load Mario 64. Also wanted to know whether you actually need the source codes and if so where to put the source codes into.

PSPMAN90 said...

You have to use the Capt'n Morgan Release of Daedalus R13 which is 3.xx or 4.xx kernel support, I think or the Wally Daedalus r13 release.

Those release can be found on
google it.

Or use PSP-1000 eloader or emulator for the PSP-2000 wich do is emulates the PSP-1000 and run most of the homebrews apps for the PSP-1000 -AKA Phat PSP.

Those are the alternatives.


Anonymous said...

is it safe to use,will i be able to press the ps button to exit

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